Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India

Dear Kauverians,

The KAUVERIAN is both proud and privileged to publish the FIRST report on the da Vinci Robotic Assisted Radical Prostatectomy!

Dr. Pramod, Consultant Urologist, on behalf of the URO TEAM Kauvery Hospital, Electronic City, Bengaluru, has honoured the KAUVERIAN by publishing the report in the journal.

New authors join seasoned writers to embellish the KAUVERIAN 01 Aug issue.

Sushmitha and Priyadarshini, guided by Drs. K.Senthil Kumar and Chockalingam, from Trichy, write on the “Black Burden”.

Drs Aswin, Radiation Oncologist, Apurna Jegannathen and Vaidyswaran from Chennai write on “Analysis of differences in Oncology practices between UK and India”.

Drs Priyanka, Vignesvarprashanth Umapathy and S.Aravindkumar from Heart City team up to present a young lady with Takayasu Arteritis.

The KAUVERIAN is overjoyed to present its first undergraduate author!

Meenadarsini Dhamothiran, mentored by Dr. S. Aravindkumar, from Heart City, presents Idiopathic Dilated Pulmonary Artery, along with brilliant images.

Dr. Vignesvarprashanth Umapathy publishes his seventh paper in the KAUVERIAN, with an ‘ECG Atlas on Tall R in V1!’

The KAUVERIAN breaks new ground with a maiden publication from a Physician Assistant!

Meenatchi. S, mentored by Dr. Arivarasan, from Trichy, presents an ‘Unusual cause of Dysphagia.’

Surprise, surprise!

Brand new Clinical Pharmacist Vinitha Marimuthu, within weeks of joining Trichy, pays tribute to a woman Nobel laureate, Tu Youyou, who tamed Malaria with her discovery of the Artimisinins.

Lucy Grace, who is grace personified, Nurse Tutor from Trichy, reports on a CNE on Risk Assessment Tools for vulnerable patients.

Dr. Vadivel Murugan, Medical Gastroenterologist, Chennai has a Serum Spotter for you!

Dr. Vasanthi Vidyasagaran has two intriguing perioperative challenges for you – Neurological Malignant Syndrome and a Jehovah’s Witness who would never accept a blood transfusion.

Dr. Yeshwant wonders in the next chapter of his book whether ‘Old is Gold?!’

Finally, both

“Journal Scan” and “Recommended Reading” bring you international gems of scientific thoughts in Medicine.

Can you contemplate, even for a day, Living with Type 1 Diabetes?

Do you want to miss out on the “World’s longest study on happiness?!”

Do read, and write for the KAUVERIAN.

Best regards,

Kauvery Hospital