Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India

Dear Kauverians,

The KAUVERIAN and NIGHTINGALE have been staggered to the 8th and 22nd of every month from September 2023 to accommodate the K-WAY Newsletter which appears on the 1st and the IMA Journal which appears on the 15th of the month.

This issue of the KAUVERIAN joyously fields several authors new to the Journal.

We open with the FIRST paper from Kovilampakkam – a dramatic story of salvaging a brave young woman who presented with DKA associated with a surrogate pregnancy. There is a great learning lesson here.

We bring you a FIRST in Kauvery Hospitals’ history of publication.  A distinguished father and a dexterous daughter have both authored papers from two Kauvery Hospitals. Dr. Raghuram is the senior author of a paper by Dr. Venkatesa Kumar from Chennai on Radical Thymectomy in Myasthenia Gravis and Dr. Deepti Raghuram is the lead author of a paper on In-uteroblood transfusion, from ECB.

Dr S. Aravindkumar fields a fiesty team of ‘Trichy Heart City Super Princesses and Princes’ through FIVE papers. The debutante and debut authors are Priyanka B, Priyanka K. Haridha Devi, Shamutra, Sujibala, Nithish and Arjun.

Dr. Santhosham fields two PGs on the MEM through two papers – Yazhini writes on Rhinocerebral Mucor and Arulkumar comprehensively covers Venomous Snakebites.

Drs Mohankumar and Vijay Kulkarni from ECB return to the journal with a report on an elegant and effective surgery- Total Elbow Arthroplasty .

From Chennai, Selva Maheswari, Vidya Sakethraman and Deep Chand Raja write on Wellen’s Syndrome .

Mr. Dhasaratharaman takes a break from his series on statistical methods and pays a sterling eulogy to the late 102 years young Prof CR Rao, FRS, who won at that age the highest global recognition and award in Statistics, took his curtain call and bowed out of this planet.

Our eminent teacher – writers Drs Vasanthi Vidyasagaran and Yeshwanth march ahead as ever with their mighty chapters on mammoths memorable experiences.

Journal Scan keeps you up-to-date with the gist of 30 momentous international publications.

Do read, and write for the KAUVERIAN.

Best regards,

Kauvery Hospital