Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India


Dear colleagues,

The KAUVERIAN presents you the final issue for 2024.

We begin with Three Clinical Audits, led by Dr. Aravind Kumar, who audits his seminal work on “Left Main Disease” and two DNB Residents follow him.

Dr. Sushmithaa, a final-year resident at Anaesthesia, Trichy, chooses to be lyrical with her enigmatic title, “Propofol and the unspoken pain.”

Dr. Janani, from Ob Gyn, maa kauvery Trichy, describes their experience with ” Thrombocytopenia in Pregnancy”

Two Kauvery Post Graduate Lectures follow.

Dr. Ramu, ER stalwart from Trichy describes Management of Snake Envenomation.

Dr Ashok .N. Consultant and Clinical Lead, Em Med, Chennai Alwarpet, reviews the “Essentials of Advanced Cardiac Life Support”.

Dr. Ramanathan, intrepid intensivist, Trichy Tennur presents a refreshingly original approach to Management of Sepsis  at his lecture at the Continuing Nurses Education program at Trichy.

Case reports follow!

Thanmayi reports on “Phantom Colon Block”.

Vinothkumar et al from Trichy present “Airway Management in an adult with subglottic stenosis”

Anjali Devi et al bring to us “Descending Thoraco Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Rupture”.

We now bring you images

Drs. Meena Nedumchelian and Shriram Varadharajan from Radial Road present Chronic IIH imaging in Headache

Dr. Aravinth and Dr. Elammullai brings us images on ‘ Small bowel diverticulosis”

Mahendran, our prolific author, steps out of his comfort zone of Pediatric Occupational therapy, his specialty, and ventures into a systematic review of Schizophrenia .

Dr. Vasanthi Vidyasagaran dives into her vast repertoire of anesthesia experience and talks to us about subcutaneous emphysema following maxillo facial surgery and about an even more baffling entity- Syringomyelia in the spinal cord.

Dr. Yeshwanth Ambedkar””s serialized book continues its dialogue on the art and science of communication.

Two poets, Gopi Mani and Balasubramaniam gently guide us out of Medicine and into mellow poetry and conclude the 2024 Volumes of the KAUVERIAN.

Do read, and publish your original work in the KAUVERIAN

Kauvery Hospital