Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India

Dear Kauverians,

The KAUVERIAN, our Open Access Online Journal accredited to the National Medical Library, New Delhi, and bearing the ISSN 2584-1572, brings yet another unique issue to you on 08 Apr 24.

We open with Dr. Chockalingam’s “Audit of Audits!”. We have much to thank him for! He has ignited and electrified our spirit of inquiry into the ‘why and how’ we work to serve patients and ‘what’ are the outcomes

He reviews a total of 35 presentations, made over 10 months, by 28 departments at Trichy.

This is an unparalleled feat in Corporate Medicine in India.

Two recent audits follow, by Dr. Jos Jasper et al on “Our experience with intraventricular antibiotics” and by Dr. Saradha Prabakar on ‘Blood Transfusion reactions.’

The next two papers are text versions of lectures delivered by our consultants either at CMEs or as a Kauvery Post Graduate Lecture. ]

Dr Harish from our Bengaluru units, who is a prolific organizer of CMEs on Critical Care writes on” Rising concerns with Carbapenems resistance with Enterobacteriaceae” and Dr.Khaja Mohideen discusses” Post-operative pain management”.

Four case reports follow, lead by the Ultra Short Case Report on ” Angry Purkinje Syndrome” by Dr. Joseph from Heart City.

Dr. Aravinth, Surgical Enterologist from Trichy, makes his maiden appearance with “Lynch Syndrome”.

Dr .Kavin from Trichy also makes his maiden appearance with “Bilateral Posterior Fracture- Dislocation of shoulder.

Dr. Archana Viswanathan, our sole DNB Resident in Emergency Medicine at Trichy, fields her second paper in a short span of time with “Amlodipine Overdose”.

Mahendran continues to bat relentlessly for HAMSA Trichy as its sole ambassador for publication with his seminal work on “Autistic Spectrum Disorder”.

Our two eminent teachers, Drs Vasanthi Vidyasagaran and Dr. Yashwant solidly bat, scoring sixers with their rich clinical experience.

Journal Scan from the editor’s desk gets you up-to-date with recent world standard publications.

Two poets together bring the curtain down on the issue. Sushetha from Heart City is a debut poet on the Journal and Bala from Salem is prolific in penning poetry.

Do read and write for the KAUVERIAN

Kauvery Hospital