Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India


Dear Kauverians,


The 08 May issue of the KAUVERIAN brings to you the remarkable work done by Kauverians in serving patients.

Some young authors debut on this issue of the KAUVERIAN

We open with a major retrospective study on Cardiac Surgery on Octogenarians that has emerged from Chennai Kauvery Alwarpet, authored by Drs Venkatesa Kumar, Sivakumaran, Arunkumar, Harikrishnan and Dr .Raghuram.

What a magnificent difference a case series brings to case reports!

Dr .Arunagiri, HOD and Senior Consultant, Vascular Surgery, Trichy gets the ball rolling with three brilliant reports on Mycotic Aneuryms.

Five stunning case reports follow.

A mind – blowing report on “The Scorpion Block – a Sting operation” sharply strikes us from the pens of Drs Sivagurunathan, Khaja Mohideen and K. Senthil Kumar, Dept of Anaesthesiology, Kauvery Hospitals, Trichy.

A vivid presentation of Arterial Thoracic Outlet Syndrome is reported by Mithun Chakravarthi, a debut author who is a debut resident in vascular surgery at Trichy!

Debut author Dr. Akbar Ali, registrar in Cardiology to Dr. S. AravindaKumar, presents Infective Endocarditis in Adult Congenital Heart Disease, from Heart City.

Dr. Ajay, debut resident in Cardiology, mentored by Dr. S. Aravinda Kumar, becomes a Kauverian author with his report on the Break Heart syndrome – Takotsubo.

Rengaraj, Physician Assistant at Heart City, bats for his colleague PAs through a sixer on Cerebral Venous Thrombosis.

Hearts break occur in Pediatrics as a bolt from the blue; that flash from Trichy Pediatrics is a review on Haemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis by Drs Jeevitha and Poovarasan, scrupulously mentored by Drs Vinod Gunasekaran and Suresh Chelliah and Dr. Senguttuvan.

Clinical Audits are flourishing at Trichy and telling us how we are doing in decisive areas of patient care and satisfaction!

Two symptoms drastically discolor quality of life – breathlessness and chronic pain. To be breathless all the time is one of the greatest dissatisfactions in life for a patient.

Two major clinical audits, on the management of Heart Failure appear back to back here.

The emerging message is universal; Guideline Directed Medical Treatment does not reach most patients in the world with heart failure.

Clinical Pharmacists Suryaprabha, Vijayalakshmi, Chandru, Vinitha and Dharsshini pour their hearts out here.

Our revered teachers, Drs Vasanthi Vidyasagaran and Yeshwanth continue to mold our minds with their rich and varied clinical experience.

Our poets – Vasanth and Bala cool our heated brains with their chilled out poems.

And with them, we close.

Do read, and write for the KAUVERIAN.

Kauvery Hospital