Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India


Dear colleagues,

The KAUVERIAN launches its 01 February 2022 issue (vol 3, issue 3), with two debutarticles from senior consultants.

Dr.Kulasekaran, Cardiac Surgeon from HeartCity, Trichy writes about “Revisiting the surgical algorithm while offering cardiac surgery during apandemic time”.

Drs.Keerthi Vasan and Balamurali, Spine Surgeons from Chennai, write on “MinimallyInvasive Surgery on osteogenic benign neoplasms of the spine.”

The nurses hit the high note thrice this time, with three signal contributions.

Booma Ravi, Jaya Menon, Ruby Ravichandran, Farzana, and Gayathri Devi together write one of the most outstanding nursing papers to be ever published in the KAUVERIAN, on the “Nursing challenges encountered during the successful management of a liver transplant in a two-year-old child.” The last line says it all in the most heart-warming words “We were not nurses to the baby; we were mothers.”

Gethsial Kiruba, who is now a seasoned nursing journalist and correspondent for theKAUVERIAN, interviews two intrepid “Kauvery Corona Warriors”, Farzana and Mathivannan, who were recognized and awarded by the Tamil Nadu Nursing Council for their courage and commitment during Covid times.

Thus, Farzana scores a “double” in this issue of the journal!

But Dr. Sai Soundarya goes ahead and achieves a “triple!”, a feat neverbefore achieved by a post-graduate resident, with her “hat trick” of “three in a row.” She reports on “Takotsubo’s Cardiomyopathy” also known as “Stress Cardiomyopathy,” and more poignantly as “Broken heart Syndrome” which is what sadly happened to the patient in this report.

Thisis also a fine example to cite that case reports can also be caring and compassionate stories of what happened to rock the life of a fellow human being. Often life was never the same again.

Ourindomitable writer- teachers Drs. Vasanthi Vidyasagaran and CMK Reddy walk us down their vast meadows of experience, telling us great stories from their clinical practice.

Theformer talks of air embolism in neurosurgery and abnormal hemodynamic responses with alternative medicine.

Thelatter continues with the “Consultation Room”- on Selection of drugs, Generic Vs Brand names, Dosages of Drugs, Prohibited Drug Combinations, and Advice on Lifestyle Modification.

Frommy desk, comes the Journal Scan; I wish to highlight two publications.

Youwould not imagine the NEJM writing on Snakebite; if you wish to read the full pdf, just get in touch with us.

The “Doctor’s oldest tool” reminds us that it is still the same – “talkingwith patients.”

Dr.Subbiah is always generous, with yet another diagnostic gem of an image.

“Recommendedreading” has one that tells you about the ‘Toxic rivalries that clouded the discovery of Insulin’. The “New Normal” is about immunity and immunization, for the present, and the future.

Our last page, the page devoted to culture, and creativity, carries a wistful poem in Tamil by Nurse Delphiya Mary “En Asai, Enathu Kanavu,” her beautiful dreams for her life – chinna chinna Asai, chirakadikkum asai!

Requesting you all to read the KAUVERIAN and write for the KAUVERIAN, the journal for all Kauverians.

Kauvery Hospital