The First Ever National Award Comes to Kauvery Hospital Chennai & Heart City for Safety and Workforce Category in IMC RBNQA Milestone Merits Recognition 2022

Dhanasekar. S*

Assistant General Manager, Head Business Excellence, Kauvery Hospitals, India



The IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj National Quality Award Trust (IMC RBNQA) first launched Performance Excellence Awards in 1997. The award is named after the leading industrialist, Late Shri Ramkrishna Bajaj, Past President, IMC. Shri Bajaj, a disciple of Mahatma Gandhi and Acharya Vinobha Bhave, was deeply concerned about morality in public life, ethics in business and attention to consumer welfare. He considered them as the bedrocks of Performance Excellence. The IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj National Quality Award’s core values reflect these principles brilliantly.

Until 2022 IMC Trust conducted the assessment on an organisation through a 360° overview of their leadership skills, strategic planning, focus on Customer, work force and operational needs, and announced the results

But this year they introduced an additional assessment termed as IMC RBNQ Milestone Merits Recognition 2022, for the 5 major categories:

  1. Leadership,
  2. Customers,
  3. Workforce,
  4. Operations and
  5. Safety

This competition is held for the Sectors of Manufacturing, Business, Education & Health care under a single-category nomination.

An overview on the Award

  1. Registration can be done for one or more of the above-mentioned categories
  2. The awards follow the criteria as stated in a guideline of 30 pages
  3. The applicant should submit a 45- page application booklet following the IMC requirements/ guidelines
  4. Participation fee is Rs. 50,000 + 18% GST per category
  5. Once registered, the final booklet must be submitted before Dec 31st 2022
  6. Once submitted the IMC Jury panel will scrutinize the booklet
  7. The booklet will be reviewed by 3 sets of jury apart the directors of the IMC Trust
  8. The Jury will decide on the number of awards in each category and their decision will be final

Assessment Criteria:

Sl. No Category Description Contents Sub contents
1. Organization Profile Organizational Description Organizational Environment Health Care Services Offerings
Vision, Mission & Values
Work force Profile
Regulatory Environment
Organizational Relationships Organizational Structure
Patients, Other Customers, and Stake holders
Suppliers, Partners, and Collaborations
Organizational Situation Competitive Environment Competitive Position
Competitiveness Changes
Comparative Data
Strategic Context Key Strategic Challenges and advantages
Performance Improvement System Evaluation and improvement of KEY organizational projects and Processes, including Planet friendly Initiatives
2. Safety Organisation Design Senior Leadership Commitment Senior Leaders Focus on Safety
Senior Leaders Role model
Strategic Planning Process
Workforce Safety Safety Capabilities on Safety
Organizational Culture
Foster Safety Behaviour
Process & policies
Process Hazard Identification
Process and Equipment Safety
Project Management
Supply Chain Safety
Contractor Safety
Work Permit System
Crisis Management and Emergency Response
Customer Safety
Office Safety
Driving & Road Safety
Reviews, Measurements and Knowledge Management Tracking safety performance
Major Incidents & Top Management Actions
Results Safety Commitment by Senior Leaders Results key measures or indicators pertaining to Commitment to Safety by Senior Leadership
Workforce Safety Results Key measures or indicators pertaining to Workforce Safety
Process Safety Results Key measures or indicators pertaining to Process Safety Results
3 Workforce Workforce Environment Workforce Capability and capacity How do you determine the staffing levels you need
Recruit, Hire, and onboard new workforce member process
Preparation of workforce for changing capability and capacity needs
Organize and management of workforce
Workplace Climate Ensuring workplace health, security, and accessibility for the Workforce
Workforce benefits and policies
Workforce Engagement Assessment of workforce engagement Key drivers of workforce


Assessment of engagement
Organizational Culture Fostering an organizational culture
Performance Management and Development Performance management

system support high performance

Learning and development system

support the personal development of workforce members

Evaluating the effectiveness

and efficiency of your learning and development system

Career development for your

workforce and your future leaders

Workforce Results Workforce focused results Key measures of workforce capability and capacity, Including appropriate skills and staffing levels
Key measures or indicators of your workplace climate, including those for workforce health, safety, security, accessibility, and services and benefits
Key measures or indicators of workforce satisfaction and

Workforce engagement

Key measures or indicators of workforce and Leader development

Award Process

  1. A 30 pages of Guidelines from the IMC RBNQA Trust was submitted to our Managing Director office.
  2. Business Excellence Team assigned the task to work on the competition hence the team Studied the Guidelines and presented to the respective unit heads of Kauvery Group of Hospitals.
  3. Based on the Feasibility and Justification of the category Kauvery Hospital Chennai was selected for the Safety & Hospital Heart City was selected for the Work Force Category’s.
  4. Once the teams were finalized the discussion was done with the Top Management. Dr Iyappan Ponnuswamy, Medical Director Chennai and Ms Uma Maheswari Head of Innovations and Talent Management represented Kauvery Chennai. Mr Androse Nithiyadoss, GM & Head of Operations Heart City, and Dr T. Senthil Kumar Executive Director Heart City were the stake holders for Heart City, Trichy. Mr. Vignesh Safety officer, Chennai and Ms. Jayalakshmi, Manager HR Dept. Heart City, were also co-opted
  5. Several other departments of both clinical & non clinical departments such as Medical Administration, Emergency Department, Housekeeping, Hospital Infection Control, Digital Strategy, Branding, Innovations, Maintenance, F & B Services, Facility Services, Projects, Purchase, Human Resources, Biomedical, Security were involved in the process.
  6. Based on the discussion with adhering departments and suggestions from higher officials, they prepared a 45 Pages of Booklet with all the supporting documents such as photos, videos and documents, based on the given guidelines, and reviewed by their respective unit Leadership Team and other respective dept. heads
  7. Once the respective leadership team reviewed the booklet, it was reviewed by our Managing Director and correction were done based on the guidance, and the booklet was submitted to the IMC RBNQA Trust.
  8. 3 Sets of judges reviewed each category of the booklet. After weeks of review the results were announced after 45 days, stating that Kauvery Hospital, Chennai & Heart City have won the IMC RBNQA Milestone Merit Recognition 2022.

The Award Ceremony

The Award Ceremony was held on Friday, 28th April 2023, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm at Walchand Hirachand Hall, IMC Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Church Gate, Mumbai. It was indeed a very proud moment to stand among the winners, as the only organization from Tamil Nadu that won this award in this 2022 cycle under the category. The Safety category had been added for the first time in IMC RBNQA, and Kauvery Hospital Chennai became the first-ever team to win the IMC RBNQA under the category. Heart City grabbed the Milestone Merit Award, which was bestowed by Mr Abhinav Bindra Olympic and World Champion – Air rifle shooting, alongside Mr Anant Singhania, President of IMC & Niraj Bajaj, Chairman of IMC Award Trust.


A vote of thanks!

Mr. Dhanasekar Sundaramoorthy – AGM, Head of Business Excellence (Group)


I express my gratitude to Managing Director for the support and guidance you provided that contributed significantly to our team’s success in winning the IMC RBNQA. Without your leadership and the support of the top-level management and other departments, this achievement would not have been possible.

I appreciate the focus on Safety and Workforce that was evident in all our efforts leading up to the IMC Recognition. The supportive and clinical departments were a crucial part of our success and the support they provided was invaluable. It was a combined effort by the Business Excellence, Safety and HR team that demonstrated our commitment to excellence and an instrumental in helping us achieve this significant was an honour to be part of such dedicated team.

Mr.Androse Nithiyadoss – GM, Head of Operations, KHC unit


It was an amazing experience to be a part of the top industry leaders in the forum to receive the Milestone Award from IMC Ramakrishna Bajaj National Quality, on behalf of my organization, competing with other top companies. It was a proud moment for all of us at Kauvery Heart City, knowing that our hard work and dedication have been recognized and awarded by such a prestigious organization. It is always wonderful to be recognized for outstanding achievements in one’s field and to be amongst top industry leaders. Most mememorably, we received the award from Abhinav Bindra – Olympics and World rifle champion and also in the presence of Mrs Sudha Murthy, a well-known philanthropist and writer who has made significant contributions to society. This recognition inspires us to continue to work hard and strive for excellence. Thanks to our MD for his encouragement and support which made this possible.

Ms. Jayalakshmi N – Manager HR, KHC unit


Receiving an award under the Workforce category at the 26th award ceremony of the IMC Ramkrishna Baja National Quality Awards and IMC Juan Quran Medal was an incredible honour. I was overwhelmed with emotions and at a loss for words. This award is a very special milestone in my career. I am deeply grateful for this recognition and my heartfelt thanks to Business Excellence team for sustaining us through the in and out of the competition

Winning an award is never an accident, but the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skilful execution. I firmly believe that the quality of our actions and the integration of our work allowed us to reach the heights of excellence and perform the extraordinary. I am proud to be a Kauverian, and I would like to extend my thanks to our Operations Head Mr. Androse Nithiyadoss, Executive Director Dr. T. Senthilkumar and Managing Director Dr. Manivannan Selvaraj for allowing me to participate in this precious award program.

It’s been 13 years of experience at Kauvery, and I feel honoured to be associated with an organization that values excellence, innovation, and quality

Mr. Vignesh – Safety Officer, KCH unit


The day of the IMC RBNQA forum was an unforgettable moment in my life, filled with complete happiness despite a sleepless night. The moment our hospital’s name was announced for the award was one of the most thrilling experiences I have ever had. It sent shivers down my spine and was truly a priceless moment that I will cherish forever.

It was a culmination of a four-month-long process when I worked along with the Business Excellence team to create a document on the overall process of safety measures in the unit.

I would also like to extend my heartfelt thanks to our Managing Director and Executive Director for giving us this incredible opportunity. I am grateful and my sincere gratitude to our Managing Director for the opportunity he gave me to experience my first-ever flight journey. The adrenaline rush and excitement I felt during my journey shall sustain life long my energy and enthusiasm towards work.

I attribute this achievement to the motivation and dedication of our HOD’s and the unwavering support of Business Excellence team. Their hard work and commitment were vital parts and I am grateful for their efforts their guidance, leadership, and support played a crucial role in our success, and I am proud to be a part of such a motivated and supportive team. This achievement has made me even prouder to be a Kauverian and reaffirms our commitment to excellence in all aspects of our work.


Kauvery Hospital