SIGARAM – The Club for Children with Diabetes

(To educate, empower, and entertain)

P. Gowri,

Consultant Diabetologist, Kauvery Hospitals, Trichy-Cantonment, India



In the ever-evolving field of medicine, the complications of, and the solutions for, any disease go hand in hand.

A problem that is steadily increasing in prevalence among patients with Diabetes is Diabetes Burnout.

Diabetes burnout is a state in which someone with diabetes grows tired of managing their condition, and then simply ignores it for a period of time, or worse, forever.

Most paediatric patients have type 1 diabetes and face the predicament of a lifetime of dependence on exogenous insulin. The relentless compulsion to be constantly making changes to diet and lifestyle, monitoring blood sugars, counting carbs, and remembering to take insulin are various never- ending sources of stress, which invariably lead both the child and the parents to ‘diabetes burnout’. Hence, a very good support system is essential to coping with type 1 diabetes.

Thus, started the venture ‘Sigaram’!

Sigaram, the program

The name reflects the heights to which we wish to elevate the quality of life and health of children with diabetes, and their families

Sigaram is a social welfare club for children and adolescents (<18 years) with diabetes. It was started in the year 2010, at Kauvery Speciality Hospital, Trichy, with an intention to bring together children with diabetes, and their families, in and around Trichy. With unwavering support from the Department of Pediatrics, headed by Dr. S. Senguttuvan, it has been a relentless journey towards success, with more than 125 children currently in its active membership.

The objective of Sigaram is to share positive experiences, and give professional help to children with diabetes to master the art of diabetes management, including health, psychological, as well as social aspects, and lead happy and successful lives.

SIGARAM also helps children with diabetes to meet up with other persons who have Diabetes and know that they are not alone in this world, struggling to cope with the disease. The club meets once three months and education is given on diabetes self-management skills, a healthy lifestyle, sick day rules, Yoga, etc. Games, competitions, and cultural activities are regularly conducted to entertain them. Screening for comorbidities and complications is also done free of cost.

Sigaram runs a whatsapp group for the parents of these children where regular discussions on diabetes self-care, diet modification, and a healthy lifestyle are held. Parents can contact our diabetic care team easily in case of any emergency and get help.

Even during the strict lockdown period due to the corona pandemic, Sigaram continued its activities in the virtual platform, thanks to our ever-supporting management and telemedicine department of our hospital.

SIGARAM-1Fig. 1. Sigaram in virtual platform.

SIGARAM-2Fig. 2. The free HbA1c camp.

SIGARAM-3Fig. 3. Drawing competition.

SIGARAM-4Fig. 4. Yoga therapy

SIGARAM-5Fig. 5. Group counselling.

SIGARAM-6Fig. 6. Diabetes care team.

The Outcome: A Work in Progress

People who have the knowledge and support to manage their diabetes are healthier than those who are not. Sigaram provides this support thus reducing emergency and hospital visits, avoiding serious complications like diabetic ketoacidosis, thereby saving their money and time.

Our future vision is to reach out to as many children as possible and provide continued Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES).


Kauvery Hospital