Ultra short case report and video: CPB (EUS guided celiac plexus block for chronic calcific pancreatitis)

Girish P. Veeranna

Consultant – Gastroenterology, Kauvery Hospital – Electronic City

Case Presentation

A 52-year-old alcoholic and chronic smoker male was a known case of chronic calcific pancreatitis for one year. He has a history of severe abdominal pain, which radiates to his back,

Needed IV analgesics on an everyday basis at local hospitals. CT and MRI showed a normal pancreatic duct with diffuse parenchymal calcifications in the head region and mild atrophy in the body and tail region.

As he was not a surgical candidate, we offered him an EUS-guided celiac plexus block, which could give temporary relief for up to 6 months. This procedure involves injecting Bupivacaine and triamcinolone into the celiac plexus through EUS.

This patient successfully underwent, a celiac plexus block, and now, he is symptom-free since the procedure.


We can offer Celiac plexus block for chronic pancreatitis cases, which are not for surgical candidates, and celiac plexus neurlysis for pancreatic cancer cases for palliative care.

This procedure is cost-effective, simple, can be performed on day care basis.

Kauvery Hospital