VSD Device Closure

Hemalatha R1,*, Sheeba2

1Nursing Supervisor, Kauvery Heartcity, Trichy, India

2 Staff Nurse, Kauvery Heartcity, Trichy, India



Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) is the most common congenital cardiac anomaly in children and second most common congenital abnormality in adult, second only to a bicuspid Aortic Valve. Abnormal communication between the right and left ventricles and shunt formation is the main mechanism of hemodynamic compromise in VSD. Small VSDs may close spontaneously; when they do not, large defects can lead to complications such as pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), reversal of shunt which leads to a cyanotic heart disease (Eisenmenger’s Syndrome), and ventricular dysfunction with increased risk of arrhythmias, VSDs were first identified by Dalrymple in the year 1847.

The patient we describe here was a one-year-old boy. He was diagnosed with congenital acyanotic heart disease- 4mm perimembranous VSD. In view of the above findings the child was advised VSD closure.


Patient was a baby, 1year old boy. He was diagnosed with congenital acyanotic heart disease- 4mm perimembranous VSD. In view of the above findings the patient was advised VSD closure.


CVSS1 S2 SAO2 100% RA
RSBAE (+) BP 80/60
D/A-Soft HR132b/m
Temp 98.6 F


Pre OP ECG: Left Ventricular Hypertrophy, by voltage criteria. Likely Rt Ventricular Hypertrophy.


Post OP ECG:


ECHO Report:


Provisional Diagnosis:



“0” POD,

Inj. Glyco – 1CC

Inj. Ketamine – 1CC

Inj. Midaz – 1CC

Inj. Propofol – 1CC

Inj. Emeset – 1CC

Inj. Ceftriazone – 500mg

“1” POD

Tab. Aspirin – 75mg

Tab. Aldactone – 25mg

Syp. Faroped Drops – 0.5ml

Discharge Medication Advised:

Tab. Aspirin – 75mg

Diet Advice:

Normal diet

Nursing Management:

  • Patient was received from Cath lab to IV-GW continuous cardiac monitoring.
  • Nurses maintained an every 15mins check BP chart, BP was stabilized with inotropes and IV fluids.
  • Doctors explained the patient’s condition to the attenders; nurses obtained consent for the clinical procedure after proper counseling.
  • Nurses used AIDET techniques acknowledge, introducing, duration, explanation and thank you, while communicating with patient and attenders, to give their confidence and improve the satisfaction level.
  • Patient stabilized discharge followed as per doctor’s advice.


On discharge, patient was hemodynamically stable.


Kauvery Hospital