Stroke is a treatable medical emergency – Patient Testimonial

“It was a quiet day in the office and I was having lunch, when I suddenly felt my face go numb. My face started drooping and my speech was slurred. My colleagues rushed me to Kauvery and I was admitted to HASU. It was soon established that what I had was a stroke. Thrombolysis was done immediately but didn’t fetch desired results. Soon after, I was transferred to Cath Lab for Mechanical Thrombectomy and the clot was successfully removed. Today, I lead a perfectly normal life, because of the quick and effective treatment I received at Kauvery Hospital.”

– Mr. Sudhir Babu, 47 years

Dr. Sivarajan Thandeswaran, MBBS, MRCP (London)
Senior Consultant Stroke and Neurovascular Medicine
Kauvery Hospital

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