Message from the Editor

Our Dearest Readers,

KWAY, Kauvery Wellness Way, welcomes you all to the bright first day of March 2024.

As proud as I am to be an Indian, I am also equally proud to be a Kauverian!

Kauvery is a place where women are treated with respect; a work place with high ethical grounds and women safety protocols. A place which not only speaks about women empowerment but has also put the words into actions.


Mind, Mood, Memory & Menopause

mind mood memory menopause

Menopause is a period of hormonal change after the age of 50 years with cessation of menstruation. It is an emotionally and physically challenging period for women as it accompanies normal aging as well.


Micronutrients - The Powerhouse of Women’s Health

micronutrients the powerhouse of womens health

If we are to focus on a comprehensive approach to improve women’s health, then we cannot ignore the following – an awareness of factors that affect women’s health, a nutritious and balanced diet and appropriate lifestyle modifications. Leading a sedentary lifestyle, genetic influences and reduced intake of micronutrients also play a crucial role.


Mood Swings in PMS

mood swings in pms

PMS, premenstrual syndrome, is a medical condition in which women of reproductive age group, experience physical and emotional changes like tender breasts, food cravings, fatiguability, anger, irritability and mood swings that recur in a predictable pattern, the week before menstruation.


Navigating the Challenges of Women's Health in Cardiology: Bridging the Gender Gap in Heart Care

navigating the challenges of womens health

In recent years, significant strides have been made in understanding and treating cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, there remains a pressing issue: the gender gap in cardiac care. Women often face unique challenges in accessing timely diagnosis, appropriate treatment, and comprehensive support for heart-related conditions. In this article, we delve into the complexities of women’s health in cardiology, exploring the obstacles they encounter and proposing strategies to overcome them.


Significance of Family History on Risk of Breast Cancer

significance of family history on risk of breast cancer

On an average, at least 1 in 4 patients who come to the Breast Clinic have a relative who has been diagnosed with some form of cancer. With an increasing awareness as well as anxiety about cancer, the most commonly asked question is “What is my risk of getting cancer?” Subsequent concerns arise about the risk in their children and other family members.


Spinal Anesthesia: Know the Facts

spinal anesthesia know the facts 2

That back pain post-surgery is only caused by spinal anesthesia is the strongest belief I have heard so far. Most women, when they undergo surgery for childbirth or are administered epidural analgesia for normal delivery, or when spinal anesthesia is administered for surgery among the general population, the mindset of people is fixed that they will be having back pain, weight gain and spinal cord issues. Whenever they have any sort of pain or spine issue, it gets attributed to spinal anesthesia. Through this article, as an anesthesiologist, I would like to throw some light on this myth.


First Aid for Seizure | Beyond the Seizure - A Patient's Guide | Episode 2

march video

In Episode 2 of Beyond the Seizure Series, Dr Prithika Chary explains the first aid methods to follow when a person has a seizure.

In this video series, Dr Prithika Chary will be sharing information on Epilepsy thereby helping people and their loved ones towards better management of Epilepsy.


Patient Experience

Patient Experience testimonials

“Excellent service and very professional Dr Kavitha Sundaravadanam was pleasure to consult. She spent a lot of time going through the reports and suggested appropriate medications. The ENT doctor Dr Preethi and gynaecologist Dr Anitha were also excellent and extremely approachable. The coordinator Sister Grace was very cordial and followed up with throughout the MHC. Thanks to team Kauvery.”
– S.Y


Recipe of the Month

Dahi Sabudana/Thayir Javvarisi

Dahi sabudana is quite a delicious dish that is very easy to prepare! It’s refreshing and perfect for the scorching heat of the summer.

This dahi sabudana makes a great substitute for curd rice.

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dahi sabudana