Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India

Email: gmd@kauveryhealthcare.com

dr venkita suresh

Dear readers,

The last issue of the NIGHTINGALE for 2024 shall be with you on or before 22 Dec

As ever, nurses, physician assistants, clinical pharmacists and other allied health care professionals have contributed.

There is also an intense, emotional and deeply personal tribute from a young Kauverian whose father was saved three times by Kauvery Hospitals.

Shortly the NIGHTINGALE shall become an ISSN-accredited and Google Scholar indexed Kauvery Scientific Journal.

I request all of you to encourage members of your team to write about their original work rendered in service to patients.

Curious, observant, analysing, learning, thinking and expressive members of your team shall be an asset to your department and Kauvery Hospitals.

A leader leads; shows the way, inspires, and is a facilitator and mentor

I request you all to be Leaders who motivate yourself and every colleague to publish their original work

That is how Medical Sciences can progress in Kauvery Hospitals, by “sharing our work at one Kauvery Hospital with all others”

Let us be proud to ‘ show’ our work!

Let us show:” How we changed our patients’ lives for the better”.

We wish a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year for all our patients, their families and us!

Kauvery Hospital