Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India
Email: gmd@kauveryhealthcare.com

dr venkita suresh

Dear Readers,

The NIGHTINGALE, 22nd March edition comes to you with astute reports from our ever- observant Nightingales.

Vishnu, Dy .NS from Hosur, proudly reports on the first Intra Coronary Ultrasound evaluation done at the hospital with great results.

Vincy Prabha, Kalaiarasi and Mahalakshmi from Tennur report on Idiopathic Right Ovarian Torsion in a 21years aged young woman who was swiftly diagnosed and received Laparoscopic Ovarian Detorsion, Oophoropexy and Cystectomy.

Gowri, Alphia and Yashoda confront us with harrowing images of Severe Thrombophelbitis in a 9 year old child, the consequence of IV cannulation at another hospital. A cautional tale for all of us, reminding us to never compromise on Infection Control.

Sulphasalazine, more familiar as Salazopyrin, is a very old anti-inflammatory drug from the Salicylate stable. Krishnamoorthi, clinical pharmacist at group level, highlights the hypersensitive reactions it caused in a patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Jenifer Theresa, Senior Dietician from Tennur, tells you all about the good things, five main benefits in particular, that Phytonutrients bring to us.

It is never too late to let diet modify the risk of CAD. Sheeba Sherin Charles, Dietician at Heart City advises on Diet after CABG.

Mr. Dhanasekar Sundaramoorthy, AGM and Group Head Business Excellence, proudly recounts the exhilarating, enthralling and educational experience of Cross Unit Assessments in 5S.

Coincidentally our poet Balasubramaniam goes into raptures over the same subject with ” Ennul 5S!”

8th March was International Women’s Day.

But Women need to be celebrated every day!

Poet Vasanth David Benaya pays rich complements to women with his poetic tribute to women.

We close with the Journal Scan from the Editors’ Desk which draws attention to the recent Lancet series on Menopause.

We request you as ever, to sing with our Nightingales