Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India

Email: [email protected]

dr venkita suresh


Dear colleagues,

What makes the Kauverian Nurse different?

We present 15 sterling reasons, through 15 papers, published in the inaugural issue of the NIGHTINGALE, Aug 15, 2022, the Independence Day Edition.

1. COVID challenged nurses first-here was a new disease and they were with those patients around the clock. Senior nurses from Kauvery Tennur relive the “fright nights” in “Voices from the field”.

2. For the young nurses of Kauvery Hospitals this was the first battle of their professional lives and they “Report from the front lines”.

3 and 4. Senior Nurse Booma and colleagues’ field nursing experiences from liver transplants at Trichy, at a time Kauvery Hospitals’ Liver Transplant program has just clocked fifty.

5. Booma and colleagues boom again from Trichy with a heartwarming report on saving a four-year-old child with Gas Gangrene and Compartment Syndrome.

6. N.S. Jeya Menon and senior colleagues from Trichy present you with a very thoughtful and meticulous manual approach to critical transfers- an initiative to prevent re-admission to ICU.

We are now repeating the same exercise with a remote monitoring device and automatic warning. Human Vs Machine! Mind Vs Matter! We shall revert to you with the findings.

7. Indumathi from Salem was inspired to write several reports. The first is on the pediatric nephrotic syndrome.

8. Reena from Heart City describes the meticulous nursing management of Endo Vascular Aortic Repair (EVAR).

9. Reena goes into proving that “Efficient Nursing Care equals Early Recovery” with Covid Lung.

10. Indumathi from Salem is back with a powerful message.

“Create one life, save another!” She illustrates that with Cord Blood Banking.

11. And then, Indumathi scores a hattrick for Salem! She writes on “Effects of screen time on children” and tips for parents on prevention.

12. Jasneet Kaur from Kauvery ECB deftly powders us with challenges that emanate from gloves.

13. Gethsial Kiruba, special correspondent to the KAUVERIAN and Asst Editor of the NIGHTINGALE, gives us the highlights from the curtain raiser to the 6-month-long Hybrid Course on Infection Control, offered by our Kauvery Universe- City, Chennai.

14. Gethsial Kiruba gets the Young Leader Award from the Association of Nursing Executives of India- a NIGHTINGALE Special Report.

15. We close with a proud report from Nursing Superintendent Mahalakshmi who received the Nursing Excellence Award at Mumbai from the AHPI for Kauvery Tennur.

Fifteen “Cheers” for Kauvery Nurses!

Do read, and write for the “KAUVERIAN” and the ” NIGHTINGALE!”

Best regards

Kauvery Hospital