Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India

Dear Readers,

An outstanding issue of the NIGHTINGALE shall hit the stands on 22 Feb

Twelve talented authors feature their best work in this issue.

Kauvery Hospitals and NIGHTINGALE are fortunate to have such intrepid authors.

We begin with Kiruba, a young leader in Nursing, who rightly points to the future of AI in Nursing.

The lessons learned from the Kauvery Wound Care Workshop are deftly summarised by Asha, Anandhi Sathyakumar, and Magdalene Thangam from Alwarpet, Chennai.

Cerebello- Pontine Angle Tumour is the focus of a report by Shanthi Helen Sophia, Subathra Devi M and Maha Lakshmi from Cantonment, Trichy.

Deeparani and Lydia Annie from Radial Road, Chennai elegantly address the intriguing subject of Patient Acuity Score and Staffing Plan.

Subin from Hosur writes about ARDS, the forbidding challenge of modern times.

Vijayalakshmi and Sangeetha from Heart City, Trichy write graphically about the dual threat a patient faced- Coronary Artery Disease and Carotid Artery Stenosis.

Vanaja, Lucy Grace and Jaya Menon from Thennur write about another challenge faced by a patient with CKD – foot ulcers from Diabetes.

Reconstructive surgery for Congenital TMJ Ankylosis is the lofty topic for the report by Anbarasi and Anandhi Sathyakumar from Alwarpet, Chennai.

Severe ARDS and HIN1 are the concerns highlighted by Sivagami from Salem.

The formidable Whipple Procedure, which is as old as time, is described by Kalpana and Mercy Ezhil Rani from Hosur.

Megana Ramesh from Hosur writes beautifully about a milestone to remember in her career.

Our two accomplished poets, Vasanth and Bala, sing about love and health and ring the curtain down on this momentous issue.

Do sing for, and with, the NIGHTINGALES

Kauvery Hospital