Kauvery Hospital: Pioneering the Future of Healthcare with IoT, Wins Healthcare Asia Awards.

Dhanasekar Sundaramoorthy*

AGM & Head of Business Excellence – Kauvery Group of Hospitals, India

*Correspondence: Tel: +91 89258 08444; email: dhanasekar.s@kauveryhospital.com


Healthcare Asia is an esteemed award program that recognizes outstanding hospitals, clinical facilities, and healthcare providers that have demonstrated exceptional resilience and made a profound impact on their patients, particularly in the face of unprecedented challenges posed by the global COVID-19 pandemic. These awards highlight the extraordinary efforts and accomplishments of healthcare organizations that have gone above and beyond to deliver exceptional care and innovative solutions in these trying times. The recognition serves as a testament to their dedication, resilience, and unwavering commitment to the well-being of their patients and the advancement of healthcare as a whole.

Road to Health Care Asia Awards

In September 2022, the Business Excellence team at our organization received a directive from the managing director’s office by Ms. Bhuvaneshwari to conduct a study on the Health Care Asia awards. The purpose was to identify suitable projects within our organization that could compete for these prestigious awards. After conducting the study, the Business Excellence team convened to discuss and review the findings with Managing Director

During the discussion, Dr. Manivannan Selvaraj highlighted the potential of the IoT system on Electrical Power plant that had been implemented in our Chennai unit. He proposed that this project could be considered as part of our facility improvement initiative for the year, and he expressed confidence in its winning potential compared to other projects. The IoT system had shown significant promise in enhancing various aspects of our operations, and resource management, and Managing Director believed it deserved recognition on a regional platform such as the Health Care Asia awards.

The Business Excellence team acknowledged Managing Director’s insights and recognized the merits of his proposal and proceeded to hold discussions with Mr. Kathiravan and Mr. Suresh, key stakeholders in the project. During their meeting with Mr. Kathiravan, he provided a detailed demonstration of the IoT system on Electrical system and Oxygen Power plant and expounded on its potential benefits. The team was captivated by the tangible advantages that the IoT system had already displayed.

Mr. Kathiravan presented compelling arguments highlighting the transformative impact of the IoT system on various aspects of the organization’s operations. He emphasized how it had streamlined processes, improved efficiency, and enhanced Care. The team was particularly impressed by the system’s ability to provide real-time data analytics, enabling prompt decision-making and proactive intervention when necessary.

Kauvery IoT System – Module screen


Buoyed by Mr. Kathiaravan’s insightful remarks and the team’s recognition of the significant benefits, the Business Excellence team proceeded to work on the award submission notes. They diligently collated and documented the key points discussed during their meetings, capturing the noteworthy aspects of the IoT system’s implementation and the positive outcomes achieved thus far. and aimed to present a compelling case to the Health Care Asia awards committee, showcasing how the IoT system had revolutionized our operations and contributed to the overall advancement of healthcare within our organization.

The Business Excellence team carefully crafted the submission notes, ensuring that they effectively conveyed the merits and impact of the IoT system. They highlighted its ability to optimize resource utilization, improve outcomes, contribute to the overall efficiency, effectiveness of the organization by a tangible benefit of

1) Units saved per Annum: 86,32,550 (Approx.)

2) Cost Saved per Annum: Rs 7.77 Cr (per unit average cost Rs 9)

Once the final submission notes were prepared, the Business Excellence team sought a review with Mr. Kathiravan carefully examined the submission notes, paying close attention to the details and the overall narrative. He provided additional insights, highlighting specific tangible benefits that had been observed through the implementation of the IoT system. His inputs emphasized the system’s impact on patient outcomes, cost savings, and operational efficiency his insights would further enhance the submission and strengthen its chances of success


The submission notes also emphasized how the IoT system aligned with the objectives of the Health Care Asia awards, showcasing the organization’s commitment to technological advancements and its dedication to providing exceptional healthcare services.

The commitment and hard work invested in implementing the IoT system were now poised to be recognized and celebrated, underscoring our organization’s dedication to embracing technological advancements and driving positive change in the healthcare industry.

With the final revisions made, the Business Excellence team was confident that they had created a robust and persuasive submission.

Glimpse of IOT

Floor Wise Energy Flow Analysis


Category Wise Energy Flow Analysis


Energy Consumption Analysis


Oxygen Consumption Analysis


Category & Floor Wise Energy Flow Consumption Pareto Analysis



With the invaluable mentoring and guidance of Dr. Manivannan Selvaraj, combined with the meticulous preparation by the Business Excellence team and the insightful inputs from Mr. Kathiravan, Kauvery Hospital emerged triumphant in the highly esteemed Health Care Asia Awards 2023.

The victory was a testament to the collective efforts and dedication of the entire organization. Our Managing Director vision and strategic direction, coupled with his expertise in healthcare, played a vital role in shaping the organization’s innovative approach. His guidance and mentorship inspired the team to push the boundaries of excellence and embrace transformative technologies like the IoT system.

The combined efforts of Dr. Manivannan Selvaraj, the Business Excellence team, and Mr. Kathiravan culminated in a well-deserved victory for Kauvery Hospital in the Health Care Asia Awards 2023. The recognition not only celebrated the organization’s achievements but also highlighted its commitment to pushing the boundaries of healthcare innovation

The victory in the Health Care Asia Awards 2023 was a true testament to the power of collaboration, visionary leadership, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. It marked a significant milestone in Kauvery Hospital’s journey, propelling them to new heights of success and setting a benchmark for healthcare providers across the region.


Dhanasekar Sundaramoorthy

AGM & Head of Business Excellence