KCHs Pratidhi rises to the challenge: A triumph at the National QC Convention

Dhanasekar Sundaramoorthy*

Assistant General Manager – Group Head Business Excellence

*Correspondence: dhanasekar.s@kauveryhospital.com


At the recent ABK AOTS, National QC Convention in Pune, Kauvery A team rose to the challenge, presenting a ground breaking project that exemplified the organizations unwavering commitment to patient safety and quality healthcare. Spearheaded by Mr. Dhanasekar Sundaramoorthy, AGM Group Head of Business Excellence, and Ms. Anandhi Sathiya Kumar, Nursing Director, the team, aptly named Pratidhi (Sanskrit for hope), tackled the critical issue of chemotherapy extravasation.

Led by Ms. A J Deepa M and comprising Ms. Stella Towncent, Ms. Granaph, Ms. Bhagavathy, and Ms. Kanimozhi, Pratidhi embarked on a comprehensive journey of research and analysis. Their meticulous approach, characterized by data-driven insights and innovative solutions, culminated in a compelling presentation that resonated deeply with the esteemed panel of judges.

This team was freshly identified, formed by the Nursing director and QC, and was trained by the Head of Business excellence.

Pratidhis exceptional work was duly recognized with the prestigious Rhodium award, a testament to their dedication and the significant impact their project has made on patient care at KCH. The teams success transcends individual accolades, setting a new benchmark for quality standards in healthcare. Their meticulous documentation and standardized processes provide a valuable roadmap for continuous improvement, inspiring others to embrace a culture of excellence within the organization.

Beyond the tangible outcomes, Pratidhis journey embodies the true spirit of collaboration. The teams unwavering commitment was further strengthened by the crucial support of chief of staff Ms. Uma and the efficient travel desk, demonstrating the power of collective action in achieving remarkable results.

The Pratidhi teams story serves as a beacon of hope, not just for KCH but for the entire kauvery hospitals. Their unwavering pursuit of excellence and relentless focus on patient safety provide a blueprint for success, inspiring future generations of healthcare professionals to push boundaries and strive for even greater heights.




Ms Uma

Chief of Staff, Chennai Region

When the Business Excellence Team and Nursing Director suggested forming a new team for the national QC competition, I had initial reservations. A national stage for a fresh team? My worries were quickly quelled, however, by the participating teams enthusiasm and relentless dedication. I saw the potential for greatness, a spark that could ignite victory. A late travel hurdle threatened to dampen their spirits, but I knew I had to intervene. Breaking the huddle, I urged them to shine, to make Kauvery proud on the ABK AOTS National Level QC forum and shine they did, bagging the prestigious Rhodium Award. The reward of trust, realized in this win, wasnt mine alone. It belonged to the unwavering participants and the exceptional coaches, Mr. Dhanasekar and Mrs. Ananthi Sathiyakumar.


Ms Anandhi Sathiya Kumar

Nursing Director

The news of winning the Pune QC competition hit me like a wave of pure elation, the kind a mother feels watching her child achieve their dreams. When my team called with the news, I was overcome with tears of joy, unable to contain the emotions that swelled within me. This victory wouldnt have been possible without the dedication and unwavering commitment of my team. They set the bar for quality and efficiency, and I am incredibly proud of each and every one of them. A special thanks goes out to my leadership team Dr. Aravindan Selvaraj,

Dr. Iyappan Ponnuswamy and Dr Mahesh Kumar for providing the support we needed to excel, especially Ms. Uma. Her unwavering belief in us, her willingness to go the extra mile by arranging special flights, and her constant encouragement were invaluable during this journey. The business excellence team also deserves a huge shout-out for their insightful reviews and guidance. Their feedback was a constant source of learning and improvement, ultimately pushing us towards this momentous win.


Ms. A J Deepa M

The 6th National Convention on Innovative QC TEAMS, hosted by ABK-AOTS, wasnt just a competition; it was a catalyst for change. It pushed me to think beyond the immediate and embrace the power of sustainable quality improvement. We were gently guided to look upstream, to explore ways to reduce resource use and minimize extravasation risks for our chemotherapy patients.

Ms. Stella, our dedicated Nurse Educator, fuelled our progress with timely catch-up sessions, keeping us focused on our diverse strands of research. By the end, we had not only implemented changes that prevented extravasation but also achieved cost savings. More importantly, the conversations with colleagues and patients were priceless. Witnessing everyone actively discussing the need to reduce extravasation was truly rewarding. But this journey wasnt just about individual achievement; it was a testament to the power of teamwork. We emerged from the competition equipped with new skills in preparing, presenting, and executing quality improvement projects. It was a springboard for team building, boosting the morale of everyone involved, from colleagues to patients. Deep gratitude goes to our top management for providing this invaluable opportunity. Ms. Anandhi, our Nursing Director, is a true leader, her unwavering encouragement inspiring countless participants to join the competition. Her training methods were nothing short of magical.

I also want to express my sincere appreciation to Mr. Dhanasekar, AGM and Head of Business Excellence. He exceeded all expectations, demonstrating the highest level of productivity and dedication to quality. Sir, you are a true GURU, indeed!

The entire experience was enlightening and rewarding. It opened my eyes to the transformative power of sustainable quality improvement, leaving me eager to explore new horizons and tackle the next challenge with the same passion and dedication.


Stella Towncent

Nurse Educator

Words cant express the pride and joy I feel sharing my journey with quality improvement at Kauvery. Before joining this incredible organization, quality was just a vague term for me, something hospitals used to get licenses. But Kauvery changed everything. Here, quality wasnt just a slogan; it was a living, breathing philosophy.

My exposure to 5S and teamwork illuminated the path to excellence. It felt like each step I took, guided by my supportive nursing heads, brought me closer to realizing this philosophy. This year, with the knowledge and experience gained within Kauvery, we achieved remarkable growth. Our CII Tamil Nadu award at the state level fueled our ambition, leading us to the prestigious Pune National competition.

Hard work and dedication never go unrewarded. We, as a team, soared high, clinching the Rhodium award as one of the top scorers! This wouldnt have been possible without the unwavering support of our core team and nursing heads. Kauvery itself stood behind us, a pillar of motivation and trust. Their belief in our potential was the wind beneath our wings. Ms. Anandhi, our Nursing Director, was the backbone of this journey. Without her initial spark, this success would have remained a dream. Mr. Dhanasekar, a true champion of quality himself, motivated us with equal passion. Working alongside him, I discovered the power of dedicated teamwork, a source of immense pride for us nurses. Ms. Deepa, our Nursing Superintendent, though new to the team, instantly became a crucial player. Her ground-level expertise clarified our understanding of QC, making all the difference. These projects opened my eyes to the critical role of quality in ensuring patient safety and satisfaction. We, the Kauvery minions, may have been small parts of a larger machine, but the souvenir we brought home is a testament to our collective spirit. We stand united, ready to march towards even greater heights.

It’s been a good challenge to think outside of my clinical box.”


Ms. Bhagavathy

Oncology Day Care Incharge

Rewritten Testimonial: From Pune Nerves to Rhodium Glory

My heart still leaps at the memory of that flight to Pune. Not just because it was my first flight experience, but because it carried me towards something even more exhilarating – presenting our oncology departments award-winning QC project on a national stage.

Ms. Anandhis trust in me ignited this journey. Under the brilliant guidance of Ms. Arokiya Jaya Deepa and Ms. Stella, my initial trepidation transformed into confidence. They honed my skills, turning theory into practice, and I, a presentation novice, felt my wings unfurl. Pune welcomed us with a mix of excitement and apprehension. The smooth take-off mirrored our projects launch, and gazing out the window, I knew this was an experience Id cherish forever.

Standing before the judges, my nerves threatened to hijack me. But Ms. Deepas reassuring presence steadied me. And what followed was pure magic! My voice, once a whisper, now resonated with conviction as I shared our E-E approach to conquering extravasation fears.

Facing such a diverse audience – 34 participants from different industries – made me realize the universal language of quality. Its about safeguarding a companys reputation, ensuring product reliability, and fostering trust. Its about using evidence, not anecdotes, to guarantee excellence.

And thats precisely what our project achieved. We returned not just with the prestigious Rhodium award, but with a deeper understanding of qualitys transformative power. This is just the beginning. My Pune flight has fuelled my passion for excellence, and I, a Kauverian, am ready to soar!


Ms. Kanimozhi

Staff Nurse

From shy strangers to national champions, thats our Kauvery flight! Chosen for the ABK AOTS QC competition, we soared with Ms. Anandhis guidance and Ms. Deepas genius. Our team, a tapestry of strengths, bonded like family, conquering extravasation fears with the E-E approach. Nerves flew as we took our first flight, replaced by awe at sky-high rainbows, I would have never though my first flight experience would come from work and I never heard about any work place providing such a flying opportunity, My heartfelt thanks to leadership team and business excellence team for making dream come true Pune welcomed us, Mr. Dhanasekars faith our fuel. Our presentation, though imperfect, resonated. And then, the roar of victory – Rhodium winners, Kauverys flag held high! This golden platform, this sweet triumph, we dedicate to our nurses and Kauverys unwavering spirit. The Rhodium Project takes flight, and we, the Kauverians, are proud to be its wings.


Ms. Granaph

Staff Nurse

The FAAI QCC wasnt just a competition; it was a crucible that forged a new me. As a first-timer, contributing to our teams victory wasnt just a win, it was a transformation. The FAAI award isnt metal; its a burning promise to uphold the highest standards of patient care, etched in our souls.

Profound gratitude to our unwavering leadership. Their belief fuelled our fire, pushing us beyond perceived limits. Every hurdle, every late-night session, was propelled by their faith. Special thanks to Ms. Anandhi, the visionary who saw the spark and entrusted me with this challenge. Her leadership, a tapestry of creativity and resolve, wove our teams success. Mr. Dhanasekar, our guiding light, navigated us through choppy waters with his expertise. His mentorship was a lighthouse in the storm. Ms. Deepas dedication and meticulous planning were the bedrock of our triumph. Her unwavering support, a steady hand, calmed every uncertainty. Our Oncology Nurses, the heart of our team, inspire me. Their unwavering commitment to patient care burns bright, a testament to their dedication.

My deepest gratitude to Ms. Stella and our exceptional team. Their collaboration, a symphony of talents, and their unwavering support were the wind beneath our wings. The FAAI award isnt a trophy; its a Launchpad. It illuminates the path to excellence, a promise whispered on the wind. We, the Kauverians, will continue to soar, innovate, and exceed expectations. This is not the summit; its the base camp on our lifelong journey towards providing the highest quality of care.


Mr. Dhanasekhar

AGM & Head of Business Excellence