Utilization of injection Sovateltide for acute ischemic stroke

G. Rengaraj

Physician Assistant, Kauvery Hospital, Cantonment, Trichy

Case Presentation

Chief Complaint

Sudden onset of weakness in left upper and lower limbs and facial deviation.

History of Present Illness

Patient had an episode of giddiness followed by fall from a 2-wheeler around noon on 04 /02/25. He was treated at a local hospital and went home. The patient developed a sudden onset of weakness in the left upper and lower limbs, along with facial deviation since 1.00 pm on same day. Outside CT brain scan showed no evidence of acute ischemic stroke. He had worsening weakness and sensorium the next day and hence was referred here for further management.

Past Medical History

Hypertension on Telmisartan 40 and amlodipine 5 combination OD.

Family History

No H/o stroke, cardiovascular disease, neurological disorders, TIA, no similar events in the past.

Social History

Chronic smoker, alcoholic

General Examination

On 05 /02/25 at 1.50 pm

On arrival at the ER, he was conscious and responded to words.


Right-hand BP: 140/90, Left-hand BP: 130/80

HR – 70/min, SPO2 – 100% with RA

GRBS – 100 mg/dl

On Examination

  • CNS – GCS: E4 V5 M6
  • Right gaze preferences present
  • Left hemiparesis 3/5
  • Left UMN facial palsy
  • Left hemineglect
  • CVS – S1 S2
  • RR – BAE (+)
  • NIHSS – 6
  • P/A – Soft

The patient was not eligible for thrombolysis/thrombectomy due to delayed arrival (>24 hr since onset).

Fig (1): Outside CT shows normal and no evidence of acute ischemic stroke


Blood investigation Renal function testLiver function test
HB: 13.1Urea: 21.40Total bilirubin: 2.57
Platelets: 9890Creatinine: 0.68Direct bilirubin: 0.79
WBC: 261000Indirect bilirubin: 1.78
Homocysteine: 13.17SGOT: 27 .4
SGOT: 18.3
GGT: 44
Lipid profileElectrolysisSerology
Total cholesterol: 166Sodium: 138Negative
Triglycerides: 95Potassium: 0.68
HDL: 49.8
LDL: 97.20


  • Started with Single antiplatelet (Aspirin) and Atorvastatin.
  • Target BP maintained.
  • MRI brain with MRA or CT Angio could not be done due to restlessness.
  • Patient admitted in Neuro ICU for close monitoring

Fig (2): CT shows acute right MCA infarct (Kauvery Hospital)

  • Carotid and vertebral Doppler ultrasound done to rule out significant atherosclerosis, stenosis and embolic sources.
  • Cardiology opinion was obtained to rule out cardio embolic stroke.
  • ECG – Normal sinus rhythm
  • Echo – Good LV function

Pharmacological Management

Inl. Tyvalzi (Sovateltide)20 MCQTDS on Day 1, 3 and 6
Single Antiplatelet-Asprin150 mgOD
Statin Aztor40mgHs
Inj. Pan40mgOD

Fig (3): CT brain and neck angiogram showed large vessel occlusion

Post CT Management

  • Aggressive Physiotherapy was done.
  • Repeat CT brain done showed Right MCA infarct with area of reperfusion mass effect and minimal midline shift to left side.
  • Speech and swallow assessment done after oral feeds were initiated.
  • Symptomatically improving after he was shifted to ward, power improved +4/5 , mobilized hence discharge with stable in a state.

Fig (4): CT shows Right MCA infarct with area of reperfusion mass effect


Inj. Sovateltide – Drug Profile

Sovateltide, a novel injectable formulation, is a highly selective endothelin-B receptor agonist and synthetic analog of endothelin-1, is a neural progenitor cell therapeutic agent for the treatment of acute cerebral ischemic stroke (ACIS), hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), spinal cord injuries and Alzheimer’s disease. In May 2023, sovateltide was approved in India for the treatment of cerebral ischemic stroke within 24 hr of stroke onset.

Dose0.3 Mcg/kg of body weight/dose
Reconstitution solutionSodium Chloride Injection IP (0.9 %w/v)
Dosing interval3 hr ± 1 hr
Total doses in a day3 doses
Total doses9 (3 doses on each day- Day 1, 3, 6)
1st doseWithin 24 hr of the onset of the stroke


The drug demonstrates significant therapeutic potential for managing Acute Ischemic Stroke, with a favourable safety profile. The result suggests that it may offer an effective and well tolerated option for patients with inadequate responses.

Literature review

Gulati A, Agrawal N, Vibha D, Misra UK, Paul B, Jain D, Pandian J et al. Safety and Efficacy of Sovateltide (IRL-1620) in a Multicenter Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial in Patients with Acute Cerebral Ischemic Stroke. CNS Drugs.


Kauvery Hospital