What is Organ Donation?

Organ Donation is the act of giving an organ to help someone who needs a transplant. It is a process that can save or transform lives.

Why Organ Donation?

With an increase in the prevalence of end-stage organ failure, the need for organ donors has been rising significantly over the years.

Which organs can be donated?

Heart, Liver, Kidneys, Intestines, Lungs, Pancreas, Eye, Skin.

Several tissues such as Cornea, Bone, Skin,Tendons and Heart tissue can also be donated.

What are the two types of Organ Donation?

1. Living Donation

You can donate some organs and tissues while you’re alive. For example, a part of a liver can be transplanted from a living donor to help someone who is in need of a liver transplantation.

2. Deceased Donation

When people talk about donating their organs, they are talking about deceased organ donation. In India, only brain death patients’ organ can be donated by an authorized team of doctors.

What are the 2 ways to donate organs after death?

1. By pledging for organ donation when the person is alive.

2. Consent of family after death.

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