Beat the Heat – Eat Better, Not Less

Change in seasons is the law of nature. Especially when it comes to summer, the weather is extremely hot and it’s actually a transition after spring and before autumn.

Excessive heat makes us sweat more, as a result we become irritable and lethargic. Food being the fuel to our body, optimum nutrition becomes the base of life. Eating right means nutrition, security & safety to meet body requirements. Whatever may be the climate, diet diversification is the key. Diet diversification is a most important consideration when it comes to eating healthy and keeping fit all times. During summer, the key focus should be on the following:

  • Keep yourself hydrated
  • Fill up on seasonal fruits and vegetables
  • Limit your meal size
  • Eat more cooling foods
  • Choose fresh smoothies over cold drinks
  • Binge on lighter snacks
  • Hygiene is the key to healthy body

Keep Yourself Hydrated: During summers, there is a high loss of water from the body causing dehydration. One should consume 2.5 to 3 litres of water per day during summer. It helps in maintaining good body hydration.

Fill up on Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables: Fruits that contain more water and sweetness help to beat the heat in summer. Fruits like mangoes, watermelons, cucumber, tender coconut, bananas and other seasonal fruits can be eaten daily. It also gives a good supply of micronutrients.

Limit Your Meal Size: Care should be taken while eating hot, deep-fried and heavy foods as it may lead to various health problems.

Eat More Cooling Foods: Fresh vegetables help to keep you cool in the heat. Fresh vegetable salads & juices like tomatoes can be added to the diet. Vegetables include green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, broccoli, cucumber & mint.

Choose Fresh Smoothies over Cold Drinks: Smoothies are refreshing & nourishing to our body. Freely consume sugar-free fluids throughout the day. Chia seeds and yogurts can be incorporated to the smoothies. Chia seeds contain antioxidant and cooling properties.

Binge on Lighter Snacks: The summer snack should be quick, fresh and light enough so that you can beat the heat well. Snacks that are deep fried, and high in spice and fast foods should be avoided.

Hygiene Is the Key to Healthy Food: During summer, the key focus should be to stop eating the following.

  • C – carbonated drinks
  • R – refined sugar
  • A – artificial foods
  • P – processed foods
  • On rising
    Coriander/mint sharbath with pinch of cinnamon powder
    200 ml
  • Morning
    Coffee/tea – 150 ml (1/2 sugar) with milk 100 ml
    150 ml
  • Breakfast (8.30 am)

    Any cereal preparation e.g., idli/dosa/pongal/kitchidi/chapathi


    Egg whites – 2 no. can be taken for non-vegetarians

    3/3/200 gm/3

    1 cup

  • Mid-morning (10.30 to 11.00 am)
    Butter milk (with chia seeds)/cut fruit (100 gm) – any variety seasonal
    200 ml
  • Lunch (12.30 to 1.00 pm)

    Rice/phulka-3 no.

    Dhal preparation/non-veg (weekly twice for non-vegetarians)


    Greens salad/raitha with veggies

    Curds (skimmed)

    200 gm cooked weight

    1 cup/150 gm

    1 cup

    1 cup

    100 ml

  • Evening (4.00 to 4.30 pm)

    Coffee/tea with milk 100 ml


    150 ml

    100 gm

  • 6.00 pm

    Tomato juice/vegetable juice/fresh juice/lassi

    No sugar added

    200 ml
  • Dinner (8.00 to 8.30 pm)
    Same as breakfast accompaniment – Paneer/dhal/legume preparation
    1 cup
  • Bed time
    200 ml

Finally, life as per thoughts, shape your thoughts and body, with proper nourishment. Trust your gut & Mother Nature, it never lies.