Recipe of the Month


Avial is a popular and traditional mixed vegetable dish. It is basically a healthy mix of various vegetables in coconut paste and yogurt finished with a drizzle of coconut oil and a few curry leaves. It is a very simple and easy-to-make gluten-free recipe which is not spicy and best for summer.

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Our Dear K-Way Readers,

Happy Labour Day to all the devoted, passionate, talented individuals who work tirelessly to improve our economy and develop our nation.

As a family physician, this month is very special for me.

Chennai is making us melt with its hottest weather.

Some lucky people get away with the coolest vacation plans!

The city is packed with families enjoying the parks and the beaches.

Family members all around the world are eagerly coming back to reunite with their loved ones, braving the heat.

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dr kavitha

Increasing Patient Safety by Reducing Unsafe Self-Medication Practices

Sedentary lifestyle habits are leading us towards the usage of enormous drugs, and as a result, various health mishaps are hitting us badly. While getting into the world of modern science that has given birth to many new chemical molecules, each with its own pros and cons, the very first thing that every individual should bear in mind is this key mantra – PREVENT THE WORST, PUT MEDICATION SAFETY FIRST.

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increasing patient safety by reducing unsafe self medication practices

Pediatric Household Emergencies - Management & Prevention

We feel home is the safest place for children. But it depends on how safe we keep our home environment for them. Sometimes, without us realizing, our homes could be unsafe for our kids especially when it comes to unintentional poisoning. Children are by nature inquisitive and sometimes end up consuming stuff out of curiosity.

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pediatric household emergencies management prevention new

Pelvic Floor Muscle Training Exercises - Supervision by Physiotherapist

Pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) is the conservative first line of treatment for many pelvic floor disorders. Pelvic floor muscle strengthening, relaxation and coordination exercises are taught by a trained physiotherapist. Pelvic floor muscle training may involve exercises, manual therapy, biofeedback, electrical stimulation, behavioural education and home exercises programme.

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pelvic floor muscle training exercises supervision by physiotherapist

Super Seeds Are Super Warriors - A Real Battalion at Your Kitchen Cabinet for Optimum Nutrition

Superfoods are gaining more popularity among Indians; they have good concentrations of micronutrients and are essential nutrients dense. In addition to micronutrients, they are good sources of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids with GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) that builds anti-inflammatory hormones.

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flax seeds

The Story of the Sick Sentry

Tonsils are small, ovoid, fleshy glands situated on the side and at the back of the throat and nose. They are a part of our immune system. They play a vital role in protecting us against germs that enter our body through the nose and mouth. We could say that tonsils act as checkposts.

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the story of the sick sentry

Toothy Tales - Teeth Grinding/Bruxism

A common adage that we hear often is, “Just grin and bear it.”; whereas what we actually do when we are stressed, is we “Grind and bear it!” I have just added a letter to grind vis-a-vis grin and it makes so much of a difference to both our mental state, as well as, to the well-being of our teeth.

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toothy tales teeth grinding bruxism

Your Team to Care, Your Team to Trust

Rendering the best of healthcare is not a one man job. It involves a host of people working seamlessly to make sure that each and every patient is given the finest care possible. As Mahendra Singh Dhoni rightly says – “It’s teamwork.”

Kauvery Hospital acknowledges and appreciates every staff member who makes high quality healthcare possible.

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Patient Experience

“Hi All, I had my baby delivered at Kauvery hospital under the care of Dr. Sabeeha. She’s such a sweet loving person. Had a pleasant stay there. I would like to personally appreciate Sister Krishnaveni. She’s such a caring and kind person. She always looks out for the welfare of her patients.”
– M.F

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