Caring is the Essence of Nursing


ICU Staff Nurse, Kauvery Hospital, Hosur.


On one fine day, I started my duty as usual.

Near the elevator, one male person suddenly asked me “Sister, do you remember me? I was unable to recognize his face. He went on to say, “I am your Transplant patient!” Then I remembered him, I asked “How is your health? He said “I am ok, I am coming here for my regular checkup.”

It was one of the finest moments of my nursing career!

The Hospitalization

I remembered that, on Day Zero POD, when I received the patient from OT, he was unconscious, and under sedation. He was a known case of hypertension; his BP was raised. He was on multiple infusions which were on flow. Hourly, BP monitoring was done. The patient was in critical condition, still in the danger zone.


: The day started with a positive sign- BP was controlled. The infusions were tapered and stopped. Patient became conscious and oriented. However, he was in a panic over his progress on treatment. He complained of severe pain. With our kind words and tender loving care his anxiety level decreased. As per doctors’ order, serial investigations were done. Immunosuppression and steroids were given to avoid the rejection of the organ. We strictly followed sterile zones to avoid infection. It’s a vital requitement in renal transplant units to ensure that all items ale sterile (Eg: patient gowns and bed sheets. We staff all wear sterile scrub suits which have been autoclaved. Hand hygiene, and five moments of hand hygiene, are strictly followed. Barrier and reverse barrier precautions are followed.

POD 2 TO 5

From POD 1 itself we had started him on soft diet with salt restriction. Patient, however, argued to augment his salt! While feeding him I felt I am the mother of a 43 years aged male.

Early ambulation was done with support from the physio. Despite some pain, he refused to walk with my support and started to walk on his own.  He continued to show positive signs of progress.

On POD 7

The patient steadily improved and was discharged.


As a nurse, we have the opportunity to heal the mind, soul, heart and body of our patients. They may forget your name but they will never forget how you made them feel.


Ms. Karthiga,

ICU Staff Nurse,