Can implants be used for replacement of single tooth?

Dental implants are fixtures inserted into the jaw bone to provide support for false teeth. It provides a fixed tooth replacement. A single tooth can be replaced, as in a single tooth implant, multiple teeth with an implant supported bridge or all of the patient’s dentition can be made using implant supported dentures.

Are there any specific precautions to be taken with dental implants?

Patients with implants need to maintain good oral hygiene. Just like how gums around teeth can get infected causing teeth to shake; tissue around the implants can also get infected. Patients need to maintain a good oral hygiene like brushing twice, using a mouthwash and a mandatory visit to the dentist once every six months for a check-up.

Is the placement of dental implants a painful procedure?Does it require an admission to the hospital?

No, placement of implants is done under local anaesthesia, similar to what is given for a tooth removal. It is a day care procedure and does not require hospital admission.

Are there any specific tests that need to be taken?

As dental implants are placed into the jaw bone, X-ray of the jaw is taken to ascertain the quantity and quality of bone in the placement site. Blood tests are taken for complete blood counts, blood sugar and also to check for any bleeding and clotting disorders.

When would one need implants?

Implants are placed to replace teeth that are missing. They are especially useful if the neighbouring teeth cannot be relied on for support, or if the patient has to replace posterior dentition where no supporting teeth are available.

How many sittings are required for the entire procedure?

Implants are usually placed in a single appointment, the crown or tooth is usually given after a period of 3-4months of healing. In certain cases with good bone support and implant stability, the tooth can be made for the patient much earlier.

FAQs by Dr Preeti L. Anand, MDS.,PGCOI
Senior Dental Surgeon & Implantologist, Kauvery Hospital, Chennai