The Deepening Dent

The grinding voice of silence

Screamed past the lonely staircase

Climbing combined infinity, with trips the steps make alliance

So you crouch and cry with hands on ears and misery on face

Watching the ‘evil’ tread for the shock to your mind you simply let

After time, no longer able to cry and no longer can bleed for you’re not that badly fallen

But you can’t climb up again for the ‘wicked step’ is now in you a deepened dent

And your imperatives and joys henceforth forgotten.

From Sand to Sky

There are some who characterize their time with mocking words

There are some who attempt to tame the other with their cons

There are some who construct walls to colonize free minds and their sounds

But they fail to remember that there are spirits who soar far above the ridges of each one

The higher the wall erected

The more the strong soul’s dream is crafted

Hence without devoting your existence to trying the principles of free minds

Move your sight from sand to sky and help out struggling human kind.

Excerpt from “The See-Saw Souls” by

Kaanthal Manikandan