Recipe of the Month

Spicy Phool Makhana with Nuts

Makhana is a rich source of proteins, nutrients, calcium and iron. This spicy phool makhana recipe is a quick, tasty and healthy snack that can be enjoyed by both kids and adults.

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spicy phool makhana with nuts

Dr. Manivannan Selvaraj Founder & Managing Director Kauvery Hospital

Dear Kauverians and K-Way Readers,

What a fantastic year 2022 has been! It yet again validated our inner strength and resilience. We kept our optimism up as we battled COVID. A lot of good things came our way as we launched our Tirunelveli unit, as well as coming up with new units in Chennai and Bengaluru.

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Dr Aravindan Selvaraj, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Kauvery Hospital

My beloved K-Way readers, friends, staff and doctors,

I have greatly enjoyed being connected with you all through K-Way.

I take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy New Year 2023.

It’s exactly 10 years since our Chennai institution was born.

My dream of a digital platform came true in June 2015 with the 1st edition of K-Way getting released.

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dr aravindan selvaraj

Dear K-Way Readers,

Wishing you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2023!

As a family physician, my focus is always on your physical and mental health. Always stay positive in life and live life to its fullest.

Have a wonderful year ahead!

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dr kavitha

Complete Ortho Care for Complete Recovery

The recent advancement in medical science has led to the rise of various super and sub-specialties in all disciplines of medicine. “Jack of all trades; king of none” is not an option in the current era of healthcare as each sub-specialty needs extensive training and continuous upgradation to provide the best possible result to the patients.

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comprehensive orthopaedic care

All About the Kidneys – Functions, Disorders, Treatments

Nephrology is the specialty that deals with the kidneys and their disorders. It is a super specialty department. A doctor who has passed his/her basic MBBS degree should first specialize in INTERNAL MEDICINE that is a 3-year program and then should further study for 3 years about kidneys and managing kidney diseases medically.

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nephrology and the nephrologist

Queries on Neurology and Neurophysiology Answered

At the Neurology and Neurophysiology Department of Kauvery Hospital,

We treat all neurological conditions from acute problems such as stroke and epilepsy to immunology related emergencies.

Stroke is treatable when patient presents during the golden period for intervention which can be thrombolysis with medicine or angiography based mechanical thrombectomy for removal of clot when appropriate.

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neurology and neurophysiology conditions

Paediatrics - A Few Questions & Answers

It is a branch of medicine that deals with the medical care of newborns, children, adolescents and young adults.

What do we deal with?

We are passionate about helping and taking care of children. We cater to the age group of 0-18 years.

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pediatrics all you need to know

Radiotherapy – What Do You Need to Know?

When a person comes across the word “radiotherapy”, it reminds him/her about the electric current. Some people may call the treatment “shock treatment” which is absolutely a myth. Radiotherapy is a form of cancer treatment using x-rays or gamma rays. The treatment is delivered by using a machine called “linear accelerator”. The treatment is given five days a week, usually for a period of 4-6 weeks.

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radiotherapy what do you need to know 2

Polypharmacy - Awareness & Prevention

As physicians, we attend to and care for the medical complaints of people who are 15 years and above. This includes:

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the increasing incidence of polypharmacy

What Is the Respiratory Function in Health and How Do We Test It?

We all have two lungs to exchange oxygen from the air into our blood and carbon dioxide that is generated by all our cells back into the air. Just like how a car cannot run without petrol, oxygen is needed for every second of our bodily functions. There is no reserve in our bodies for oxygen; a lack of oxygen for more than five minutes can lead to permanent, irreversible damage to our brains.

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Why Plastic Surgery? Why Plastic Surgeon? Pourquoi pas? I say “WHY NOT?”

With the great football finals in 2022 still fresh in my memory, I am reminded of what happened on a Friday evening almost 25 years ago in England. We, a big bunch of young doctors in training comprising of specialist trainees were watching a tough match between England and Netherlands. Netherlands scored a goal. The match was on. Sometime later as the climax and the end of the game was approaching, I got a beep from the emergency department. Those days we had pagers you see, which beeps and we have to phone the emergency department.

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kai kaal kodaichal syndrome

Covid New BF-7 Variant

Variants of a virus have an altered RNA build but there would be similarities in the characteristics. Covid-19 variants include Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Omicron.

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january video

Patient Experience

“My wife admitted at hospital for kidney stone, great care very nice Dr Jeevagan. Very nice administration. Nursing is very good. Insurence team also and follow up is great.”
– N.G

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testimonials (2)