World Organ Donation Day Celebration at Kauvery Hospital, Hosur

Kanimozhi S,

Clinical Educator, Kauvery Hospital, Hosur, Tamilnadu


On 18th of August 2023, Kauvery Hospital at Hosur hosted a stellar event, World Organ Donation Day with a poignant gathering at TGI Grand Fortuna which was a unique and heartfelt celebration that paid tribute to the spirit of giving and the legacy of compassion.

The event commenced at 6:30 PM and concluded at 8:00 PM, uniting a diverse audience that included live donors and their recipients, families of cadaver donors, Panchayat Union members and well-wishers of the hospital.

The event commenced with the resonant notes of the Kauvery Anthem, a solemn tribute to the Institution. Following this, a warm welcome address set the tone for an evening that would prove to be both enlightening and emotionally charged.

A Drama of Compassion: Threads of Life: Weaving Stories of Hope

The highlight of the event was a thought-provoking role play that depicted the profound significance of organ donation. As the performers breathed life into this portrayal, the hall resonated with emotions, leaving the audience captivated and deeply inspired. The audience was moved by the remarkable performance that weaved together the tales of organ donors, recipients and their families. This drama was inspired by real-life experiences, brought the journey of heroes who turned tragedy into triumph. Through tears and laughter, we aimed to remind everyone of the power of their choices and the impact they can have on others.


To provide a comprehensive understanding of organ donation, an engaging panel discussion was done. An assembly of medical experts, including our Director of Medical Services, Liver and Renal Transplant Surgeons, and a Urologist engaged in a dynamic exchange of ideas, moderated by our Deputy Medical Administrator. This session successfully conveyed complex medical concepts in a manner accessible to all, enriched the attendees with valuable knowledge and insights by ensuring a holistic understanding. We were also pleased to showcase our transplant services during the event.


The event was not only about experts sharing their wisdom but also about addressing the queries and concerns of the audience. The interactive question-and-answer session allowed attendees to clarify doubts, fostering a more profound appreciation for the cause.


Honoring Heroic Hearts: A Tribute to Organ Donor Families

A pivotal moment during the evening was the heartfelt tribute paid to donors and their families. We honored the families whose selflessness lit up countless lives. Witnessing the families of both cadaver and live donors come together was profoundly moving and inspired a collective determination to embrace organ donation. These families have demonstrated unwavering strength and compassion during times of loss and paved the way for new beginnings and renewed hope.


Following this, our Executive Director of Kauvery Hospital, Hosur Dr. Vijayabaskaran S spoke passionately about organ donation, tracing its evolution within Kauvery and sharing his personal perspective. His words resonated with the audience, reaffirming the hospital’s commitment to this vital cause.

The Chief Guest, Ms. Saranya IAS, Sub Collector Hosur, also addressed the gathering. Her heartfelt words of gratitude acknowledged Kauvery Hospital’s thoughtful initiative in organizing such an impactful event.

Translating Drama into Action; Be a Hero Too: Turning empathy into meaningful action, as an act of solidarity and commitment, every individual in the hall pledged to support organ donation, emphasizing their readiness to make a difference.


Practical steps followed this emotional commitment as attendees registered for organ donation via the Transtan Portal. QR codes thoughtfully placed both inside and outside the hall, facilitated this essential process.

The event reached its conclusion with a heartfelt Vote of Thanks, expressing gratitude to all participants and contributors.

Subsequently, attendees came together to share a dinner that fostered camaraderie and reflection. Many fruitful conversations took place, fostering collaborations and opening doors for future ventures.

The impact of this successful event was not limited to the hall; it resonated far and wide, leaving an indelible impression on the Hosur public. Through media coverage and community engagement, the message of organ donation found a powerful voice, promising hope and life to many in need.!


Mrs. Kanimozhi S

Clinical Educator