Advanced Pulmonary Function Testing Lab

The importance of knowing and tracking Lung function over life is incredibly under-recognized and utilized in clinical practice. Most general doctors think it is normal to not be able to do a pulmonary function test and underestimate the importance of their patients’ respiratory health . Patients think a chest radiograph or a CT scan is the best test for their lungs. Nothing could be further from the truth; assessment of lung status requires integration of exposure, symptoms, imaging by CT and physiologic assessment by spirometry, a type of pulmonary function testing. Unlike CT which hasradiation exposure , spirometry is non-invasive and can be repeated without any concern over time. Spirometry also quantifies lung disease unlike CT, which is semi-quantitative at best. (Lowe KE, Regan EA, Anzueto A, Austin E, Austin JHM, Beaty TH et al. COPDGene® 2019: Redefining the Diagnosis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Chronic Obstr Pulm Dis. 2019;6(5):384-399)