Kauvery Hospital, Tirunelveli successfully treats patient with 4th degree electrical burns
The department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery offers facilities for burn care and treatment, among other things. Here is a recent story of a patient who was successfully treated for extensive 3rd degree and 4th degree burns:
A burn occurs when heat, chemicals, sunlight, electricity or radiation damages skin tissue, and most burns happen accidentally. The small scalds can usually be treated at home, while deep or widespread burns need immediate medical attention.
A 42-years old gentleman with 75% electric burns sustained at his workplace while working on a high-tension electric board, presented him within 1 hour after the burns. At the time of admission, he was found to have deep contact burns on his right hand and right thigh, with exposed tendons over the dorsum of his hand and 4th degree burns over his fingertips. He had deep second degree burns due to flames on his scalp, face, neck, chest, and right side of back, abdomen, and B/L legs. He was immediately resuscitated with fluid antibiotics and analgesics as per protocol, and closely monitored for vitals and urine output
On the 3rd day, his ulcers were re-dressed with nanocrystalline silver dressing. The deep wounds were treated with daily dressings, and he received high protein nutrition to improve his immune status. However, regardless of the meticulous management, he developed septicemia with resistant micro-organism, and was started on higher antibiotics as per sensitivity. Due to the infection in his blood-stream he was taken for re-dressing with nanocrystalline silver dressings and debridement for the contact burns, and subsequently his septicemia subsided.
With proper care, nutrition and wound management, the second-degree burns healed in 2 weeks and skin grafting was done for his hand, forearm and right thigh ulcers. Except his thumb the remaining 4 fingers were amputated at DIP level and closed primarily as there were gangrenous changes at his tips. He was discharged in an ambulatory condition and near-normal health, and was followed up in an OPD with ongoing physiotherapy for both his upper limbs.
All the bodily functions improved gradually except for his right elbow and right MCP contracture as he was not compliant with wearing the splints as advised. He was taken again for contracture release of his right elbow and right hand, and regrafting was done. Post-procedure he was on vigorous physiotherapy and his hand functions improved very well.
Speaking of this, Dr. Felix Cordelia, Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon said, “After 1 year of proper follow-up and rehabilitation, the patient is now re-employed and is able to perform his daily activities on his own. We are happy to see him riding on his 2-wheeler with family, and taking up the role of bread-winner for his family again.” She also said that any burns if treated immediately and with proper care can save the life of the victim and the family as well.