Key to a healthy, fulfilling and happy lifestyle for Senior Citizens- YOU already know the answer!


Aging can be defined as: “progressive changes related to the passing of time.” While there are many physiological changes that occur as you age, there are ways one can improve their health, longevity and drastically reduce the risk for mental and physical impairments as one ages.

So, how do you give yourself the best possible chance for a long, healthy life? Although one can’t control every aspect of one’s physical and mental wellbeing there are some tips or keys to living a happy, fulfilling life.

Few of these essential tips are those habits with which we indulge in every day but we take for granted as we become older. They include:

  • Making healthful lifestyle choices such as, not smoking, eating right, practicing good hygiene, and reducing stress in your life
  • Plan each day, have a goal for each day so, there is something to look forward to.
  • Break your routine (monotonous lifestyle)
  • Have a positive outlook
  • Keep in touch with those who matter to you the most, however young or old they are
  • Stay as active as possible both mentally and physically
  • Take safety precautions
  • See your health care provider regularly and follow his or her recommendations for screening and preventative measures

These tips seem easier said than done but those with which we take for granted are those which are of most importance.

The dreaded S word!

As one ages and it’s time to retire, one assumes that STRESS magically vanishes but to everyone’s dismay, this STRESS holds on to your dear life. Stress can have an enormous negative impact in your life, knowingly or unknowingly. As one ages, you’re most likely to encounter emotional stress associated with loss, loss of health, loss of loved ones and loss of your independence. This leads to a lackluster quality of life.

These tips might provide a respite in dealing with difficult changes:

  • Focus on being thankful. Appreciate and enjoy your life and don’t take people or things for granted.
  • Acknowledge your feelings and express them. Talk to a friend, family member or health care professional, write in a journal or join a support group.
  • Embrace your spirituality.
  • Accept that some things are out of your control.
  • Try to keep your sense of humor.

Article by Shruthi Rao
Clinical Psychologist, Kauvery Hospital