Dahi Sabudana/Thayir Javvarisi

Dahi Sabudana/Thayir Javvarisi

Dahi sabudana is quite a delicious dish that is very easy to prepare! It’s refreshing and perfect for the scorching heat of the summer.

This dahi sabudana makes a great substitute for curd rice.


  • Sago pearls (also known as sabudana/javvarisi) – ½ cup
  • Oil – ½ tbsp
  • Mustard seeds – ½ tsp
  • Green chillies – 2
  • Thick curd – 1 (or ½) cup
  • Water – ½ cup (or as needed)
  • Roasted cumin powder (optional) – ½ tsp
  • A pinch of asafoetida
  • A few curry leaves
  • Finely chopped fresh coriander
  • Salt to taste


  • Soak the sago pearls in water for 3 hours or overnight. They should be well-soaked and soft by this time, and should have increased in volume. Drain out residual water, if any.
  • Steam this soaked sago in a steamer or idly cooker for about 8 – 10 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, add oil to a tempering pan and splutter the mustard seeds. Add chopped green chillies and curry leaves. Switch off the flame.
  • Add asafoetida and roasted cumin powder.
  • Now, open the steamer and transfer the sago into a bowl.
  • When the cooked sago pearls have cooled down fully, add curd, salt and mix well. Taste and adjust salt if needed.
  • Add the tempered mix and chopped coriander.
  • Refrigerate and serve cool.
  • You can also add grated carrot, cucumber, mango and pomegranate for taste.

Recipe contributed by Kauvery well-wisher Ms. Kanumalli Sunita
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