Being Aware of Throat Cancer

Being Aware of Throat Cancer
June 01 09:25 2022 by admin Print This Article

In throat cancer, the cells in the throat mutate which results in them significantly increasing in number. These cells live longer than normal cells do and form a tumor. Throat cancer can affect 3 parts of the throat:

  • Esophagus
  • Trachea
  • Larynx

Causes/Risk Factors of Throat Cancer

While the exact reason behind cells’ mutation remains unclear, a few risk factors for throat cancer have been identified.

  • The usage of tobacco, be it in the form of smoking or chewing, can cause throat cancer.
  • Drinking too much of alcohol increases the risk.
  • Certain viruses like HPV (human papilloma virus) may cause throat cancer.
  • A low fibre diet is also a risk factor for throat cancer.
  • Jobs which involve exposure to radiations might in the long-term result in throat cancer.
  • Gastro-esophageal reflux disease, which is a condition in which there is a reflux of stomach acid into the throat, is another risk factor.

Symptoms of Throat Cancer

Symptoms to watch out for include the following:

  • Throat irritation
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Change in voice
  • An ulcer that doesn’t get better
  • Persistent ear pain
  • Unexplained weight reduction

If any of the above-mentioned symptoms are experienced for a long duration, it is necessary to meet an Oncologist to rule out throat cancer.


  • The doctor might want to do an endoscopy to examine the throat.
  • Here, an instrument called an endoscope, the end of which is fitted with a camera, is passed into the person’s mouth. The camera’s output is magnified and viewed by the doctor
  • on a video display. This helps get a clear view and helps pick up any deviations from normal.
  • The doctor might also use a laryngoscope to specifically examine the voice box.
  • In case anything suspicious is noticed, a biopsy might be done immediately wherein a few cells are removed and sent to the laboratory for further examination.
  • This biopsy sample will also be checked for HPV as the presence of HPV means that the treatment modality for throat cancer will have to be modified accordingly.
  • Imaging tests may also be suggested to determine the extent of cancer spread.

Treating Throat Cancer

  • Irrespective of the part affected, early detection of throat cancer is essential to keep the treatment simple – so that only the removal of the cancerous part (without removing any other vital parts) will suffice.
  • This will help in retaining normal functioning i.e., speech, breathing and swallowing will not be hindered.
  • In advanced stages, the spread of the cancer will be more. As a result, it might become necessary to remove some vital parts. This might in turn affect eating, talking and breathing.
  • Hence, it becomes crucial to identify and treat throat cancer in the early stages.
  • However, presenting in the advanced stages does not necessarily mean that normal activities will get affected.
  • By treating throat cancer with radiation first, it is possible to shrink the cancer. Sometimes, the size of the cancer mass will reduce to such an extent that surgery will not be necessary.
  • In other cases, radiation will shrink the mass and then surgery will be carried out to remove the left-over cancerous mass.

Prevention of Throat Cancer

  • People who smoke are prone to throat cancer. However, in some cases, non-smokers too can get it. It is essential to quit smoking.
  • Smoking has the following ill-effects:
  • Reduces the effectiveness of treatment being rendered
  • Affects the body’s healing mechanism
  • Increases probability of other cancers too
  • Smoking combined with alcohol consumption further increases throat cancer risk. Alcohol consumption by itself plays a role and hence it is best to stop alcohol.
  • Professional help is always available to those who wish to stop smoking/alcohol and people are encouraged to avail themselves of it.
  • The importance of a healthy, fibre filled diet cannot be stressed enough.
  • Getting screened for HPV regularly is recommended.

Reviewed by Dr Suresh S Venkita, Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals

NOTE: Take medications only when prescribed by your doctors, self-medication must be avoided under any circumstances.

Kauvery Hospital is globally known for its multidisciplinary services at all its Centers of Excellence, and for its comprehensive, Avant-Grade technology, especially in diagnostics and remedial care in heart diseases, transplantation, vascular and neurosciences medicine. Located in the heart of Trichy (Tennur, Royal Road and Alexandria Road (Cantonment), Chennai, Hosur, Salem, Tirunelveli and Bengaluru, the hospital also renders adult and pediatric trauma care.

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  1. Bharathi G
    June 27, 15:50 #1 Bharathi G

    Smoking and alcohol consumption seem to be the root cause of almost all problems.

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  2. Hariharan T
    June 29, 13:41 #2 Hariharan T

    It always amazes me how people still smoke even after knowing all the risks.

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