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Family & General Medicine

Diabetes Insipidus – Causes and Treatment 0

Diabetes Insipidus is a disorder in which the person produces a lot of dilute or light-colored urine even when he/she is not hydrated sufficiently. While a healthy adult produces around

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Is it possible to reverse diabetes? 1

Glucose, a type of natural sugar, is absorbed from the food we consume, after which it enters the blood. Insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreas helps push glucose in

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The Important Role Exercise Plays in Managing Diabetes 1

When a person is diagnosed with diabetes, the following four factors shall help keep sugar in control. A balanced diet A daily exercise routine Taking the prescribed medication and insulin

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6 Complications of Uncontrolled Diabetes 1

Diabetes Mellitus is a condition in which the body is not able to efficiently convert glucose in the blood into energy. As a result, blood-sugar levels start rising. This conversion

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Do you have a white tongue? Know why? 1

The tongue is a fascinating organ with the pink, top layer made up of hundreds of tiny, finger-like projections called papillae. These papillae contain sensory receptors for taste and temperature.

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Anemia – Causes, Treatment and Prevention 1

What is Hemoglobin? Oxygen is the life-force of human beings and it comes from the air we breathe. Oxygen is transported to all cells and tissues in the body through

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Painkillers for Acute and Chronic Pain 1

Pain is one of the most common and immediate outcomes of several ailments and health conditions. The pain can be very intense but in short bursts (acute pain) or it

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Diuretics: Types and Uses in Treatment 1

Diuretics, also called ‘water pills’, are a class of medicines that are used to reduce high blood-pressure. Fluid retention is a symptom or consequence of several health conditions. This means,

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Why should Triglycerides be within normal limits? 1

Triglycerides are a type of fat found in the human body.  They come from the fats we consume and further, the body makes a large proportion of the triglycerides from

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Diabetes patches – what are they and who should use them? 1

Diabetes has become increasingly common over the years, with India being home to nearly 77 million diabetics as of Nov 2019. Insulin, the hormone which regulates sugar metabolism, is either

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