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Family & General Medicine

Role of Insulin 1

What is insulin? Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, a leaf-shaped organ presents in the abdomen, below and behind the stomach. Other than insulin, the pancreas secretes hormones

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What is Glycemic Index? Why it is relevant for Diabetics? 2

Those with diabetes know that a proper diet is essential for controlling the disease. Many foods can cause a sudden rise in blood sugar levels. Carbohydrates such as bread and

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What is Antimicrobial Resistance? 2

The World Health Organization has designated November 18 to 24 as World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW). The slogan for 2020 is “Antimicrobials: Handle with care”. Antimicrobials enable humans, animals and

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Which Cooking Oils Are Best for Diabetics? 2

Table of Content Health Benefits of Consuming Oil Oils and Diabetics Important Tips on Cooking Oils Best Cooking Oils for Diabetics Frequently Asked Questions Oil is found abundantly in nature

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Pain Scales – what they are and why you need them 3

What is a Pain scale? Pain is the most common symptom in many ailments and is often an indicator of how far the disease has progressed. Pain can also be

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Sickle Cell Disease: An Overview 2

19th of June is ‘World Sickle Cell Day’. Outside the medical fraternity, very few people are aware of this event, or even about this ailment. This article is aimed at

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FAQs on HBA1C Test 1

1) What is HbA1c test? The HbA1c test, also known as the Haemoglobin A1c or Glycated Haemoglobin test, is an important blood test that gives a good indication of how well your diabetes is

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All you need to know about Blood Transfusions 1

Blood transfusions are an important medical procedure undertaken by most healthcare institutions. Just as there are many misgivings about blood donation, there are misconceptions and misunderstandings around blood transfusion. That

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COVID-19: What Diabetics should know! 1

The coronavirus global pandemic of 2020 has exposed how vulnerable the human race is, no matter how much progress has been made in the field of medicine and public healthcare.

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The difference between Cholesterol and Triglycerides 1

The rapid increase in the size of the heart disease problem over the last few years has resulted in a growing awareness of the seriousness of the problem and the

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