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Search Results for "cancer"

Does Stress cause ulcers? 1

In recent years, stress is the order of the day, and stress dominates discussions across personal, professional and medical forums. Stress is known to trigger various ailments and we have

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Importance of Brain Health for Overall Wellness 2

Mental health disorders are on the rise in India. According to a report published by Lancet Commission, 80% of the people with a mental and substance-abuse related disorders are not

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How Wrong Footwear can cause Back Pain 3

The human foot is one of the greatest engineering marvels found in Nature. More than any other species in the animal kingdom, human beings use their feet in a wide

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Sitting is the new Smoking 1

‘Globesity’ is a catch phrase coined by the Medical fraternity to indicate that obesity is the new global epidemic. Obesity is caused by various factors, one of them being a

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Energy Imbalance and its effects on the body 3

Table of Content What is Energy Imbalance? How does Energy Imbalance affect us? How Obesity affects various organs of the body? Achieving the right Energy Balance What is Energy Imbalance?

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Gallbladder polyps – Symptoms, Diagnosis and Risks 0

The gallbladder is located just beneath your liver and its main function is to store the bile. Gallbladder polyps are small growths that arise in the inner lining of the gallbladder. They

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What Is The Difference Between Radiation Therapy And Chemotherapy? 2

Medical science has made great strides in the treatment of cancer in the last few years and while it still remains the most serious illness, survival rates are going up

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What happens to your body when it goes into septic shock? 1

What is sepsis? Sepsis is a condition that occurs when an infection in the body reaches the bloodstream and triggers inflammation. The infection can be bacterial, fungal, or viral. It

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Factors that affect Bone Health 2

Calcium in diet A diet low in calcium causes: – Reduced bone density – Increased risk of fracture – Early and steady bone loss Vitamin D – Synthesized in the

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The top 6 reasons for Chronic Cough 1

What is chronic cough? If you have a severe cough that has lasted for more than 7-8 weeks, you could be suffering from chronic cough. In children, a cough that

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