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Search Results for "arthritis"

Seven common genetic diseases you might inherit from your elders 1

Overview Some diseases run in the family, which means, one or more members of the family from different generations may have been diagnosed with the same. Further, genetic mutation can

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Blood-cancer – An overview, and different types 1

Overview Blood-cancer is one of the more common types of cancer, accounting for nearly 5-10% of all cancer types, depending on the country surveyed. There are three main types of

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Types of Ankle Surgery 0

Overview The ankle is an important bone-joint in the body and is critical for healthy, overall movement of a human being. Like with any other bone-joint or part of the

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8 Effective Ways to Manage Food Craving 1

Food cravings and binge eating are one of those common occurrences in life. Everybody at one or more times in their life would have experienced this. It may seem harmless

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Causes of Heel pain and treatment – Plantar Fasciitis 1

The human foot is a delicately architected part of the body. It is made up of 26 bones, with the calcaneus or heel-bone being the largest, 33 joints, over 100

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5 Signs your Back Pain might be an Emergency 1

Back pain is a common outcome of fatigue and several activities that we undertake on a daily basis. Standing or sitting for long periods of time, having to bend over

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Weight-bearing Exercises – 6 Effective Workouts for Strengthening Bones 1

Exercise has all-round health benefits and we have covered this in earlier articles. One of these benefits is that bones get strengthened with exercise. With age, bones start thinning out

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Causes, Symptoms and Treatment for Nerve Damage 2

The Nervous system is one of the most important organ systems in the body, as this is what controls and manages signaling or communication throughout the body. The Central Nervous

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Tobacco and Lung Cancer – The Deadly Connection 2

Worldwide, smoking is the most common cause for lung cancer contributing to anywhere between 80 to 90% of all lung cancer cases depending on the country. Both active smokers and

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Anemia – Causes, Treatment and Prevention 1

What is Hemoglobin? Oxygen is the life-force of human beings and it comes from the air we breathe. Oxygen is transported to all cells and tissues in the body through

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