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Search Results for "cancer"

Early Signs and Symptoms of Thyroid Cancer 2

What is the Thyroid? The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that sits below the Adam’s apple in the throat and wraps around the trachea or wind-pipe. It’s one of the

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Managing Diabetes during Cancer treatment 2

Patients with Diabetes, who are suffering from any of the three types of the condition (type-1, type-2 or gestational), when diagnosed with Cancer, must be aware of the challenges they

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When do swollen lymph nodes mean cancer? 7

The simplest answer would be – hard to say! While some general indications are there, these are not enough to confirm or rule out cancer.  There are some physical markers

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Treatment options for Prostate Cancer 2

What is Prostate?  The prostate is a small gland present in the male body and plays an important role in reproduction. This walnut-sized gland is located between the bladder and

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Chemotherapy For Cancer: What it is, how it works, and chemo side effects 2

Being diagnosed with cancer and undergoing chemotherapy and various other cancer treatments can be one of the most trying times in a patient’s life. It is upsetting, but knowing what

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How to Support someone being treated for Cancer? 3

Cancer evokes strong reactions in people ranging from shock, fear, pathos, bitterness, anger, guilt, frustration, pity, despair, and resentment. Both the patient and their caregiver, who could be a family

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Keep Cancer at bay by following a healthy diet 5

A healthy diet is a basic requirement to enjoy good health and prevent the onset of several diseases that affect the human body. And as any oncologist or cancer-specialist will

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Frequently Asked Questions around Liver Cancer 2

The liver is the largest and one of the most vital internal organs of the human body, present in the upper-right quadrant of the abdomen, just below the diaphragm. It

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Life before, during, and after Cancer 5

A loving wife, a doting mother, a good daughter-in-law, a great daughter, sweet mother-in-law, proud grandmother, happy cancer-survivor…..there are many epithets that fit Uma Srinivasan. While all the other epithets

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Life during and after Breast Cancer Treatment 3

With increased prevalence of breast cancer, more and more women are getting themselves screened for the disease. Treatment for breast cancer will depend on size and growth of the tumour

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