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Search Results for "heart disease"

The Goodness of Coconut 1

Table of Content Introduction Who should not eat coconut? Coconut water on an empty stomach? Cancer Vs Coconut oil! Frequently Asked Questions Introduction It is perfectly fine to use coconut

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உயிர்களை காக்கும் உன்னத தானங்கள்! 1

மனிதன் செய்யும் மாபெரும் தானங்களில் முதன்மையானவை ரத்த தானம், உடல் உறுப்பு தானம் (கண் தானம் உள்பட). உடல் தானம் ஆகியவையே. மற்ற அனைத்து தானங்களும் பொருளாலோ. உழைப்பாலோ அளிக்கப்படுபவை. இந்த மூன்று தானங்களும் உயிரைச் சுமக்கும் உடலிலிருந்து அளிக்கப்படுபவை. அதன்

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What is a Bronchoalveolar Lavage and why is it done? 1

Overview Bronchoalveolar Lavage (BAL) is a minimally-invasive procedure that uses an instrument called bronchoscope to fill a portion of lungs with saline, after which, the saline water is sucked back.

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What is Endobronchial Ultrasound Scan and biopsy? 1

Overview Endobronchial Ultrasound Scan (EBUS) is a procedure that combines the benefits of bronchoscopy and ultrasound scan. It is an effective procedure to diagnose certain lung conditions. When the same

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Spinal Fractures from Osteoporosis – Diagnosis and Treatment 3

In an earlier article, we have explored treatment options for Osteoporosis in general. As mentioned there, Osteoporosis can cause fractures of the spine, wrist and hip. In this article, we

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Causes of Heel pain and treatment – Plantar Fasciitis 1

The human foot is a delicately architected part of the body. It is made up of 26 bones, with the calcaneus or heel-bone being the largest, 33 joints, over 100

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5 Signs your Back Pain might be an Emergency 1

Back pain is a common outcome of fatigue and several activities that we undertake on a daily basis. Standing or sitting for long periods of time, having to bend over

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Weight-bearing Exercises – 6 Effective Workouts for Strengthening Bones 1

Exercise has all-round health benefits and we have covered this in earlier articles. One of these benefits is that bones get strengthened with exercise. With age, bones start thinning out

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Need to Know – Rights and Responsibilities of the Patient 1

Rights It is important to know your rights as a patient at the hospital. A patient has a right to the following: To know the cost of treatment and the

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Severe Asthma – Types and Treatments 1

Overview  Asthma in its severe form can make breathing difficult, affect daily activities and diminish quality-of-life for the patient. In this article, we will understand what exactly is severe asthma,

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