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Search Results for "heart disease"

The Adverse and Lifelong Repercussions of Wrong Sitting Posture 4

Table of Content How can bad posture lead to back pain? Wrong posture = Back ache How does the wrong posture cause spinal pain? How spinal surgery helps relieve pain?

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Convalescent Plasma Therapy: A possible cure for Covid-19? 1

On 28th April 2020, the spokesperson for the Health Ministry of India made an announcement that Plasma Therapy would not be allowed as a cure for the Covid-19 virus, other

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Breast Cancer: Early Signs, Diagnosis and Treatment 2

In most cases, breast cancers originate in the inner lining cells of the ducts that carry milk to the nipple, which is known as “ductal cancers.” Sometimes the disease begins

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Covid19: Why Smokers are at a huge risk? 3

The fact that smoking, in any form, is injurious to health has been known for decades. From simple discoloration of the teeth to lung cancer, the range of medical problems,

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COVID-19: What Diabetics should know! 1

The coronavirus global pandemic of 2020 has exposed how vulnerable the human race is, no matter how much progress has been made in the field of medicine and public healthcare.

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COVID 19 And Mothers and Infants – No Cause for Worry 0

We are in the midst of a health crisis that mankind has never faced before. Governments, doctors and health experts across the globe are trying and are confident of bringing

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How to overcome the Corona Crisis 0

The Corona-virus global pandemic of 2020 is the single largest Public Health and Safety risk that the world has seen since World War 2. In over 150 countries of the

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Cancer Treatment During The COVID 19 Pandemic 2

There is no country or section of society that is being spared from COVID 19. A lot has been said about the high risk that the elderly or those with

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What is Angioplasty, and how is it done? 2

What is Angioplasty?   Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) known by its more common name ‘Angioplasty’ is an interventional procedure done to remove a blockage in coronary arteries of the heart and

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What happens during a Myocardial Infarction? 2

A Myocardial Infarction (MI), more commonly known as a ‘heart attack’ occurs when the heart does not get adequate blood supply and hence oxygen, due to a blockage in the

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