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Search Results for "heart disease"

Surefire Ways to Combat Loneliness in Elders 1

Everybody must go through the course of life. From youth and virility, one eventually ages and may border on senility. Old age has rightly been called a second childhood. Elders

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Impact of cutting out processed foods and refined carbohydrates 1

A good diet is necessary for a healthy body. It helps the body and its organs function normally, helps maintain a healthy weight, reduces body fat, provides your body with

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Migraine and its Triggers 2

Migraine is a common and a very painful type of headache that attacks with varying intensities. An acute attack is excruciating and brings our world to a standstill and a

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RSV leading cause of respiratory infections in children 1

Respiratory Syncytial Virus is one of the major causes of respiratory tract infections in children. According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, in the US, nearly all

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Feeling dizzy after a meal? It may be Post Prandial Hypotension 4

Table of Content Introduction What is Postprandial Hypotension (PPH)? Signs, Symptoms and Complications Causes and Risk Factors Other risk factors Diagnosis Treatment for Post Prandial Hypotension Introduction: The digestive system

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What is Ectopic Pregnancy? Is it dangerous for the baby? 3

Table of Content Signs of an ectopic pregnancy Causes of ectopic pregnancy Diagnosing an ectopic pregnancy Can a baby survive an ectopic pregnancy? How is it terminated? Can you have

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Signs and Symptoms of Achilles Tendonitis 3

Achilles tendonitis is an injury to the Achilles tendon that connects the calf muscle to the heel bone. It usually afflicts people who are unaccustomed to regular exercise but suddenly

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Screening and early Intervention for Spinal Deformities 1

Table of Content Composition of the spine Deformities of the spine Causes Symptoms and consequences Screening methods Interventions Lifestyle-related ailments are increasingly on the rise since the 1990s. With economic

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Chronic Sore Throat – Causes and Treatment 1

Almost all of us have suffered a sore throat for a couple of days and found relief with home remedies. However, chronic sore throat is a condition that lasts for

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What happens if one stops epilepsy medication? 2

What is epilepsy? Epilepsy is recurrent seizures that occur due to a sudden surge of electrical activity in the brain, disrupting communication between brain cells. Epilepsy is not to be

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