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Search Results for "arthritis"

How can you protect yourself from bacterial infections of the stomach? 0

The digestive canal is vulnerable to infection and disease caused by microorganisms like bacteria and others. This creates a wide range of conditions, collectively called Gastroenteritis, with severe complications if

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Think on your feet – the Basics of Podiatry 3

What is Podiatry? Podiatry or Podiatric Medicine is a branch of medicine that deals with the study, diagnosis and treatment of various ailments that affect the feet, ankles and lower

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Hammertoe can be life-changing, treat it in time 2

Hammer-toe, also called mallet-toe or claw-toe is a condition in which one or more toes of the feet are bent and upraised at the centre. This causes discomfort and pain

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The different types of Joint Injections in treating Joint Pain 4

Joint pain is often debilitating. It can reduce activity levels and can impact daily living, making even small chores seem impossible. Causes of joint pain Joint pain is common among

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Knee Pain: Causes and Treatment 2

The knees are among the joints that are most subject to stress and wear. They move with every step and support the weight of the upper body. Temporary knee pain

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Methods to safeguard your joints as you age 2

Your joints are subjected to constant use throughout your life. Orthopedicians always stress on how important it is to take proper care of joints so that joint problems in old

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Importance of Physiotherapy in Controlling Symptoms of Cervical Spondylosis 2

Overview Spondylosis, as a term, describes the generalized natural aging process that affects the spinal structures in a degenerative way. Also used synonymously with the term cervical osteoarthritis, the primary

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Heart Disease leading cause of Death in Women 2

Table of Content Risk Factors for Women Atypical symptoms Diabetes Metabolic syndrome Heart structure Lifestyle Mental Health Reproductive Health Broken heart syndrome Certain Medication and Ailments Mitigating the Risk Regular

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Screening and early Intervention for Spinal Deformities 1

Table of Content Composition of the spine Deformities of the spine Causes Symptoms and consequences Screening methods Interventions Lifestyle-related ailments are increasingly on the rise since the 1990s. With economic

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Chronic Sore Throat – Causes and Treatment 1

Almost all of us have suffered a sore throat for a couple of days and found relief with home remedies. However, chronic sore throat is a condition that lasts for

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