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Search Results for "heart disease"

The different stages of Heart Failure 2

Table of Content WHAT CAUSES THIS CONDITION? DIAGNOSIS UNDERSTANDING THE STATE OF YOUR HEART TREATING YOURSELF   Congestive heart failure is a condition where the heart does not pump blood

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Common Urological Diseases which affect youngsters and elders 0

Dr. Jeevagan, Senior Urologist talks about common urological diseases affecting youngsters and adults. He also discusses about management of urinary stones and enlarged prostate.   Kauvery Hospital is globally known

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Diabetes – A Major Risk Factor for Kidney Disease 1

Diabetes is the commonest reason for chronic kidney failure. Longstanding uncontrolled diabetes harms blood vessels within the kidney. Microalbuminuria (leakage of small quantities in urine) is the earliest sign of

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Non-Invasive imaging methods to treat Heart Blockages 2

Table of Content What is Heart Blockage or Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)? Angiograms Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS) Optical Coherence Angiography (OCT) An angiogram has been the gold standard for testing any

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Know About Cardiac Arrhythmia – Irregular Heartbeat 2

Table of Content Have you ever wondered what initiates a heartbeat? The Heart’s Pacemaker Causes of Arrhythmia Bradycardia Tachycardia   Have you ever wondered what initiates a heartbeat? The heart

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Techniques superior to Angiogram to identify heart blocks 2

Table of Content Angiogram Ultra High-Resolution CT IVUS – Intravascular Ultrasound OCT – Optical Coherence Tomography Cardiac MRI Stress Test Non-invasive, instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR) Advanced Techniques for detecting Heart

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10 Reasons that cause Liver Disease 2

The largest internal organ in our body is the Liver. The liver carries out more than 500 functions in our body of which some of the important functions are: Metabolism

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Heart Burn Basics for Your Benefit 0

What is heart burn? Heart burn is a burning sensation you experience in your upper stomach, or just below your breastbone. Most of us would have experienced the symptom of

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Catheter Procedure for Babies: A Novel Method of Closing Holes in the Heart without Surgery 0

Uma is a one-year old baby girl from Assam. Her parents brought her to Kauvery Hospital, Chennai, with complaints of lung congestion and breathing difficulties. Uma was unable to feed

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Urinary Stone Disease 0

Urinary stone disease is a well-known common problem in our country, affecting 10 to 15 % of the population. What is of increasing concern is that most of them are

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