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Search Results for "heart disease"

Why and How is an Electrophysiology procedure done 2

In an earlier article, we have covered what is Electrophysiology and what is the role of a Cardiac Electrophysiologist (CEP). In this article, we shall cover the why and how

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Is Coffee Good for the Liver? 1

The liver is one of the largest and most important internal organs in the human body, with over 500 different functions attributed to it. Like other organs of the body,

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Community Living – the solution for lonely, helpless elders living alone 1

Since the beginning of 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic has gripped our attention more than anything else in our lives. It has pushed a lot of challenges faced by the human

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What is a Brain Angiogram and why is it done? 2

Brain Angiogram is a minimally-invasive procedure undertaken to detect or confirm abnormalities in blood-vessels of the brain, head or neck. Angiogram is also called angiography or arteriogram, and brain angiogram

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Early Signs and Symptoms of Thyroid Cancer 2

What is the Thyroid? The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that sits below the Adam’s apple in the throat and wraps around the trachea or wind-pipe. It’s one of the

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6 Fun Recreational Activities for Senior Citizens 1

Geriatric Health or the health of senior citizens is a complex matter. As seniors step into their evening years, there are a whole lot of changes going on in their

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Painkillers for Acute and Chronic Pain 1

Pain is one of the most common and immediate outcomes of several ailments and health conditions. The pain can be very intense but in short bursts (acute pain) or it

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Diuretics: Types and Uses in Treatment 1

Diuretics, also called ‘water pills’, are a class of medicines that are used to reduce high blood-pressure. Fluid retention is a symptom or consequence of several health conditions. This means,

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Recognizing symptoms and treating – Clinical Depression 1

Human life is full of ups and downs, and it’s natural to feel low when things are not going our way. However, if the negative sentiment lasts for several days,

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The Role of a Cardiac Electrophysiologist 2

The heart is the most vital organ of the body, as oxygen-rich blood pumped by the heart is what sustains us. The pumping of blood involves contracting of the atria

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