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Search Results for "heart disease"

Pros and Cons of Microwave Cooking 2

Table of Content Introduction The Pros of Microwave Cooking The Cons of Microwave Cooking Frequently Asked Questions Introduction The number of kitchens with microwave ovens is increasing rapidly – it

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Maintaining sanitation and hygiene in the Kitchen 1

The one lesson that the Covid-19 pandemic has taught is that, there is nothing ‘micro’ about micro-organisms. Their ability to wreak death, destruction and disruption in human lives is far

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A little bit of self-care can treat Acid Reflux effectively 1

Acid Reflux is the common name for a condition called as Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). In an earlier article, we have covered in detail what is GERD and what are

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Medications and Diet Plan for Treatment of GERD 1

The digestive system is a well-designed mechanism. Food that is chewed and swallowed moves down the esophageal pipe (in the throat and upper chest) and enters the stomach where the

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The Gut-Brain Connection 1

The English language has many interesting expressions around the gut. Some of them are “it was a gut feeling”, “it was a gut-wrenching experience”, “felt sick to the stomach”, “feeling

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Top signs of Vitamin Deficiency 1

The food we consume is made up of macronutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Vitamins and minerals are absolutely vital for good

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Managing Diabetes during Cancer treatment 2

Patients with Diabetes, who are suffering from any of the three types of the condition (type-1, type-2 or gestational), when diagnosed with Cancer, must be aware of the challenges they

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Sudden Cardiac Arrest – Prompt Response Saves Lives 2

Table of Content Heart Attack – Timely Assistance Act quickly when What to do Survival rates can double or triple if more people know How to act in the event

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The Tiniest Blood Vessels Needs the Biggest Experts 1

Genesis  What stands today, as a 1200+ bed and growing multi-speciality hospital chain operating out of 5locations, had humble beginnings as a 30-bedded hospital in Tiruchirapalli in the year 1999.

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What is Cervical Spondylosis? Why does it occur and how is it treated? 2

The spine is an important part of the skeleton and provides the necessary support and strength for the upper body. It also houses the spinal column which consists of the

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