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Search Results for "heart disease"

Fall prevention tips for seniors 0

One of the biggest problems that a senior faces at home, and outside, is the risk of falls. As you age, bones get weaker and more brittle and even simple

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Factors that affect Bone Health 2

Calcium in diet A diet low in calcium causes: – Reduced bone density – Increased risk of fracture – Early and steady bone loss Vitamin D – Synthesized in the

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Take this Headache Quiz to check whether your headache is a migraine. 2

Headaches are common and can be caused by too much TV, hunger, thirst, sinus etc. They usually go away soon or with some mild medication. But migraines are debilitating. How

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FAQ on Bloating and Gas 0

What is excess gas a symptom of? Gas is caused when the body breaks down the food that you ate. It is a by-product and normally is passed out without

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Symptoms of low magnesium in the body 0

Magnesium is an important nutrient for the elderly because:- It provides energy It helps maintain bone density It keeps teeth strong It helps in muscle and nerve function It regulates

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Holding in your urine for long is hazardous to health 1

Table of Content Introduction Incontinence Kidney stones Stretched bladder Urinary infectionsy Pain Burst Bladder Introduction How many of you hate using public toilets in malls or amusements parks? Do you

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The role of Probiotics for a healthy life 1

What are Probiotics? The human body contains trillions of bacteria, distributed all over the inside, and on the outer skin of the body. These bacteria enter the body from food,

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Healthy ways of lowering your blood sugar 1

Walk more, sit less Include 10-15 minutes of walking in your daily routine If you have a desk job, take a break every 30 minutes Use the stairs as often

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Lifestyle Changes Which Epileptics Should Follow 2

Your first experience of a seizure can be traumatic. And if you get diagnosed with epilepsy, it can take a while to come to terms with the ramifications of living

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Great tips to lower Cholesterol 1

How does cholesterol affect us? Cholesterol is found in the fat cells in your blood. High cholesterol levels can cause blockages in your arteries. This can trigger heart attacks and

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