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Search Results for "heart disease"

Sitting is the new Smoking 1

‘Globesity’ is a catch phrase coined by the Medical fraternity to indicate that obesity is the new global epidemic. Obesity is caused by various factors, one of them being a

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Have you completed your self-health appraisal? 1

Is your end of year appraisal at work a stressful time for you? I’m sure it is, as your professional career is important and you want to know that you

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Energy Imbalance and its effects on the body 3

Table of Content What is Energy Imbalance? How does Energy Imbalance affect us? How Obesity affects various organs of the body? Achieving the right Energy Balance What is Energy Imbalance?

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Challenge your Brain in order to ward off dementia 1

Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are on the rise globally. As per the Alzheimer’s Association, in the US alone, 1 in 6 seniors are living with the disease. It is also

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What Are The Stages Of A Migraine? 2

A migraine headache can be very debilitating and brings normal life and activities to a standstill until it has passed. Those who suffer from this condition know how it can

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What kind of medical conditions are covered in critical care service? 3

Critical care is a medical specialty that deals specifically with life threatening health problems and situations. Conditions where a person would need critical care: Heart attack Stroke Poisoning Pneumonia Surgical

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The Risk Factors In Developing Kidney Stones 3

Kidney stones are an increasingly common medical condition across the globe. There is no single definitive cause for the condition to develop – anyone, at any age, irrespective of overall

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Chemotherapy and its role in cancer treatment 3

What is chemotherapy? It is the use of drugs to treat any disease. It is used most often to treat cancer. There are three main goals for chemotherapy in cancer

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Gallbladder polyps – Symptoms, Diagnosis and Risks 0

The gallbladder is located just beneath your liver and its main function is to store the bile. Gallbladder polyps are small growths that arise in the inner lining of the gallbladder. They

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The Three Most Common Cancers In India 2

Table of Content Breast Cancer Cervical Cancer Oral Cancer Frequently Asked Questions Cancer is the most feared disease on the planet. The word can strike terror in a person diagnosed

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