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Search Results for "heart disease"

Blood tests which can diagnose Heart Diseases 2

Table of Content Tests to detect/rule out Heart attacks Tests to detect/rule out Heart Failure Tests to detect/rule out Future cardiac risk Heart ailments continue to be one of the

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Heart Disease leading cause of Death in Women 2

Table of Content Risk Factors for Women Atypical symptoms Diabetes Metabolic syndrome Heart structure Lifestyle Mental Health Reproductive Health Broken heart syndrome Certain Medication and Ailments Mitigating the Risk Regular

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Obesity and Heart Disease 2

Table of Content Obesity in Asia: The Silent Killer The Deadly Combination: Unhealthy Diet and Lack of Exercise The Long-Term Effects of Obesity on Heart Health Managing Obesity: The Importance

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Tests for heart disease 3

There are a number of tests that will be done to check for heart disease. These tests will check heart structure and function and will check for any kind of

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Congenital Heart Disease in Babies and Children 3

A child suffering from an abnormally structured heart or a blood vessel is said to be suffering from a congenital heart disease (CHD). The child’s heart suffers from serious functional

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The Significance of Diet in Heart Diseases – Infographic 2

A Healthy Diet -> Big Benefits a. Reducing the workload on your heart. b. Better cholesterol levels c. Normal blood pressure d. Look Fabulous An Unhealthy Diet -> Cardiovascular Diseases a. Accumulation

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Hypertension and Heart Disease – what is the connection? 2

Table of Content Summary Introduction Causes for HHD Symptoms of HHD Risk-factors for HHD Complications from HHD Diagnosis Treatment for HHD Summary:  Hypertension is one of the leading risk-factors for

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Coronary Heart Disease Awareness 2

Table of Content Alarming Increase of Coronary Heart Disease among Indians Common Risk Factors for Coronary Heart Disease Lifestyle Modifications to Decrease Risk of Coronary Heart Disease Chronic Illness Patients

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Importance of Medicines, Diet and Physical Activity to control Coronary Heart Disease 2

Lot of patients come to our OPD and ask us as to why they developed Coronary Artery Disease. Once I say that this is because of long standing diabetes and

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Heart Diseases and Symptoms – A Mini Reference Guide 2

Table of Content 5 types of Angina Other Common Cardiovascular Diseases Rheumatic Hypertension (high blood pressure) Ischemic Cerebrovascular Inflammatory Hypertensive Valvular Congenital – malformations Pericardial Disease Cardiomyopathy There are several

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