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Search Results for "heart disease"

All about Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 0

Table of Content Causes and Risk Factors Symptoms Complications Diagnosis Treatment Prevention Outlook Pelvic Inflammatory Disease or PID is one of those lesser-known women’s health conditions. Yet it affects a

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Raynaud’s disease- Causes and Symptoms 2

Raynaud’s disease (pronounced – ‘Raynose’ disease) is a unique condition that causes fingers and toes to go numb as a reaction to cold temperatures. While not a life-threatening condition, it

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Freedom From Disease: A Lease Of Life 1

Mrs. X a 24-Year old woman has developed pregnancy related complications. She eventually has developed an End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) in 2 years and she has been continuing on

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Is shortness of breath a heart or lung problem? 1

The simple answer to this question is – both! Both heart and lung conditions can cause shortness of breath, technically called dyspnea. However, there are other conditions also which can

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Liver Disease in Children 2

The liver is one of the most critical among the large organs of the human body. It has over 500 known functions discovered till date. It produces bile which carries

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What is the difference between a heart attack and a sudden cardiac arrest? 3

A lot of people use the terms ‘heart attack’ and ‘sudden cardiac arrest’ interchangeably. But this is not correct. They are two different conditions. Understanding a Heart Attack  There is

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Understanding and Managing Degenerative Disc Disease 0

Table of Content Causes Risk Factors Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Outlook The spinal column is one of the most vital parts of the body. It supports weight and helps manage most

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5 Stages of Liver Disease 3

Table of Content Introduction Causes of Liver Disease Types of Liver Conditions Stages of Liver Disease Stage 1: Inflammation Stage 2: Scarring Stage 3: Cirrhosis of the Liver Stage 4:

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Signs That Your Baby Has Congenital Heart Defect 1

Heart defects can develop at any stage in life or they can be present since birth, in which case they are called congenital heart defects or CHD. CHD can be

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Obesity and Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease 3

The impact that excessive alcohol consumption has on the liver is well known. There is a common perception that cirrhosis and other serious and often life-threatening liver diseases are primarily

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