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Search Results for "heart disease"

What is Fatty Liver Disease? 2

The liver is the largest organ in the body and its efficient functioning is essential to the maintenance of good health. Conditions that affect the liver, such as fatty liver

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Liver Diseases – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment 2

The liver is essential for the proper digestion of food and the elimination of toxic materials from the body. If liver failure occurs, the impact on health can be life-threatening

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Tips to Prevent Water-Borne Diseases 1

Waterborne diseases are caused by micro-organisms that make their way into our body when contaminated water or food is consumed. They are the leading cause of diarrhoea and complications arising

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How can I keep my heart healthy in winter? 4

Table of Content The Reasons Risk Factors Prevention Heart attacks can occur at any time and in any season. That being said, there is medical evidence to show that the

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Who needs a stent in the arteries to the heart, and when? 4

Like any other organ in the body, the heart too requires a steady supply of oxygen-rich blood to function properly. The heart muscle gets its blood supply from the right

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Complications arising out of Respiratory Disease 1

The respiratory system sustains life and is critical to the health and well-being of an individual. Respiratory disease is a generic term that includes various infections, illnesses, diseases and disorders

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Preparing for Heart Surgery: Do’s and Don’ts 5

Table of Content Preparing for a heart surgery: Do’s Preparing for a heart surgery: Don’ts Conclusion There are various heart conditions that cannot be treated by medication and lifestyle changes

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South Indian Diet Plan for Heart Patients 9

Indian food is by itself very healthy. Our traditional Indian diet pattern is filled with vegetables, fruits, lentils, nuts and whole grains making the meal extremely heart healthy. Indeed, there

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Sickle Cell Disease: An Overview 2

19th of June is ‘World Sickle Cell Day’. Outside the medical fraternity, very few people are aware of this event, or even about this ailment. This article is aimed at

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Foot is the index of the heart (Vascular complications in Diabetes) 2

The importance of protecting the body from hyperglycemia cannot be overstated; the direct and indirect effects on the human vascular tree are the major source of morbidity and mortality in

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