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Search Results for "heart disease"

The Golden Hour: Why the First Hour is the Most Important after a Heart Attack 5

Table of Content Why the First Hour (Golden Hour) is the Most Critical Identify the Signs of a Heart Attack How to be prepared for a Heart Attack Medical help

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Can changes in lifestyle improve your heart health? 2

Table of Content Nutrition Exercise Weight Smoking Cholesterol Blood Pressure Alcohol Frequently Asked Questions Cardiac problems such as heart attacks and strokes are among the major causes of death in

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What Happens If the Valves of the Heart Do Not Function Properly? 3

  Table of Content Types of Valvular Heart Disease Causes Risk Factors Complications Symptoms Diagnosing and Treating Valvular Heart Disease   Oxygen is the life-giving element that helps the human

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The Link between Diabetes and Kidney Diseases 1

Diabetic Kidney Disease Diabetic kidney disease is a type of kidney disease caused by diabetes. About 1 out of 3 adults with diabetes have kidney disease. To understand how diabetes

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Symptoms and Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease 1

The human body is a work of art. It should be taken care of to ensure that it lasts long. However it is always possible that an ailment may knock

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Diet of a Kidney Disease Patient 1

Kidney disease, commonly referred to as Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), is a health condition where the kidneys stop functioning the way they should. When the kidneys get damaged over a

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What are autoimmune diseases? 1

Our immune system defends us against bacteria and virus and ensures that we don’t fall ill. Babies and young children fall sick often as their immune system is still in

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Role of Liver Biopsy in Managing Fatty Liver Disease 1

What is fatty liver disease? The clinical term for fatty liver disease is hepatic steatosis and it means that you have extra fat in your liver. Fatty liver disease is

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Pregnancy and Kidney Diseases 1

Table of Content Hypertension Disorders Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) Pregnancy’s effect on Renal disease Renal disease’s effect on pregnancy Preparation and Precautions for Pregnancy A woman’s body goes through enormous

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Have you serviced the engine of your body – YOUR HEART? 3

Table of Content A regular heart health check-up is important for early detection Advanced heart health tests include Carotid Intima-Media Thickness Test Cardiac calcium scoring Prepping for the tests Get

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