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Search Results for "heart disease"

Summer foods that keep you cool 1

Summer is here and it promises to be a scorcher. Here are a few ways to make sure that you are eating healthy and keeping your body cool this summer.

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Interstitial Cystitis 0

Interstitial Cystitis is also known as BPS or Bladder Pain Syndrome. It causes pain in the pelvis or urinary bladder, producing an urgent need and frequent need to void. This

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Types of spinal problems and treatments – Infographic 0

The spine is made up of small bones which are placed one on top of the other. Any misalignment in these bones or the discs between them can cause spinal

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Getting ready for Summer – Let’s beat the heat 1

Here are a few tips on how to beat the heat and save power and water, this summer. Keep cool These ten tips will help you keep cool even if

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Doctor, I have heard about the harmful impact of Meningitis. Could you give me a clear picture of this illness? 2

Meninges are the three membranes that cover and protect the brain and the spinal cord. Meningitis is the inflammation of the meninges caused by injury or infection. There two types

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World Health Day 2017 – “Depression, Let’s Talk” 1

“A healthy outside starts from the inside” – Robert Urich April 7th, 2017 is World Health Day and this year the theme is a topic that many are still unwilling

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Kidney Stone Causes, Symptoms and Treatments 0

A kidney stone is a hard, crystalline substance formed in the kidney or urinary tract. What causes kidney stones? Not drinking adequate amounts of water Accumulation of dissolved minerals in

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What is geriatric rehabilitation? 0

People are living longer. The average mortality rate has gone up by almost twenty years over the last century. Advancement in technology, medical procedures and treatment has made this possible.

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Nutrients older people need for health and wellness 2

As people get older their metabolism changes, there is a decrease in hormones produced in the body and they need a well balanced diet with enough supplements to stay healthy

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Difficulty in breathing – What it could mean and emergency response 2

Breathing – The process When we take a breath, we take in oxygen through our nose, down the trachea, through the bronchi and into our lungs. It helps our body

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